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Intent, Implementation, Impact

PSHE Overview

Skills and Progression

The important thing about PSHE RSE is...




The spiritual development of pupils is shown through…


The children’s approach to religious education throughout the school and their respect for people of all faiths and none.


The children’s educational visits to places of worship which include the main religions found in our country.


The children’s understanding that in our country there are people who believe in many different religions and the understanding of a person’s right to believe what they wish.




The moral development of pupils is shown through…


The children’s approach to friendships around school and the way in which our children conduct themselves around school and in the local community.


The children’s knowledge and understanding of the rules around school and why they are in place.


The way in which our children are encouraged to make decisions about their work and life which will impact on themselves and other people.




The social development of pupils is shown through…


The children’s close friendship bonds around school and the way in which they interact with all children and adults.


The children’s knowledge and understanding of how to work as a team in sports and other lessons across the curriculum.


The way in which our children make decisions about what to do during their breaks such as using the playground and equipment.





The cultural development of pupils is shown through…


The respect that our children have for people of all faiths and none.


The work that the children have done about important people from our own history and the history of other countries.


The children's lessons in RE about religions and cultures in our own country and around the world.



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