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Welcome to Brilliant Beech Class!

Your teachers are Mrs Phillips, Miss Millward and Mrs Smedley. 


PE will be every Monday afternoon, Forest School will be every Wednesday morning (Starting WC 9.10.23) and reading morning will be every Thursday morning. We would love to welcome you into the classroom on a Thursday morning to share a book with your child.


Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI)

Lots of fun outside!

31.1.2024 Look at us enjoying our skipping workshop !!

25.1.2024 RISE theatre group came at talked about looking after the planet that God has created. The children loved it! They also created anew creature from Play Doh

Creation Story

How many ways can we make 5?

EYFS Experience Christmas - 8.12.23


We had the opportunity to go to Church today and 'experience Christmas'. To start off the experience, we spoke about the Nativity Story, who the main characters are and what happens in the story. Then, we worked our way round the church, taking part in mini workshops.

We had a workshop on what it would have been like in Mary's house and spoke about how brave Mary would have been. We had a go at decorating the church. We spoke about the Shepherds and how Angel Gabriel came down to tell them that Jesus had been born, and had a chance to smell Frankinsence and draw a picture of what we would give to baby Jesus.

Finally, we put our pictures in little boxes and placed them under the manger in the church's Nativity scene. 

The Nativity Story - 7.12.23


Today, we took a walk through the Nativity Story. First, we drew as tory map, working together to remember what happens next. Then, we retold the part of the story we were standing on.

Some children decided to add actions while they retold the story, such as, riding the donkey, sleeping in the manger, or knocking on the Inn Keeper's door.

Teeth Brushing

In Beech Class, we brush our teeth every day for 2 minutes! Miss Millward gets the timer out every day!!


After our visit from Barney yesterday, we have been talking about cavities and decay in our teeth. Below is a link to follow on from what your child learnt on Monday

Comparing two different Celebrations


Today we looked at 2 different celebrations- Easter and Christmas. We discussed what was the same and what was different about them. We sorted the different items into Easter and Christmas. It was lots of fun!

PE with Mr Jenkinson 4.12.23

This week in PE, Mr Jenkinson came in to teach us dance. We had lots of fun learning about standing shapes and floor shapes.

Barney the Tooth Brush Monster 4.12.23


Today we had a visit from Barney who taught us how to brush our teeth.

In Talk for writing this half term, we are learning the Nativity Story. Why not try learning it together at home?

Maths - 24.11.23


This week we've been exploring circles and triangles and have shared what we've noticed. We then went for a walk around school and hunted for shapes. We found a lot of circles and triangles, and a few squares and rectangles too.


What shapes can you find at home?

RE - 23.11.23


This week in RE we learnt about the Jewish festival Sukkot. Sukkot is a Jewish celebration when thanks is given to God for the harvest. Another reason Jews celebrate Sukkot is because Moses led the children of Israel across a desert, a journey that took years and years and they had to build shelters called Sukkah to protect them. We built our own Sukkah today and left it up for the week so we could have our morning snack outside in the Sukkah so we could experience eating in one for ourselves.

Phonics Morning - 23.11.23


It was lovely having so many parents join us for phonics Thursday morning. The children really enjoyed playing one of our favourie phonics games with you, Sound Swap. If you'd like to have a go at home, here are a list of words to get you started...


1. mat -> sat -> sit -> it -> at -> am

2. sat -> sit -> pit -> pin -> tin -> tan

3. pan -> pat -> mat -> man -> map -> mop

4. map -> map -> top -> tap -> tip -> sip

5. bag -> tag -> sag -> sat -> cat -> mat

6. bat -> bit -> big -> pig -> pit -> hit

7. hat -> hot -> pot -> got -> not -> cot

8. got -> not -> cot -> cop -> cap -> tap

Our Senses

We have been learning about our 5 senses so we went on a walk around school to see what we could hear, smell, feel and see. We heard cars, saw aeroplanes and smelt mint that was growing in the KS2 playground.

Squiggle While you Wiggle - 15.11.23

We have had a lot of fun today improving our gross motor skills to help with our early writing patterns.

I have put a link below if you would like to try it at home with your Tea Towels:

Squiggle While you Wiggle - Dance 2

Colour books


For the next three weeks in Art, we're going to explore how different medias (felt tips, paint, pencil crayons, wax crayons, oil pastels) work on fabric. Each colour will have its own square of fabric and by the end of the three weeks, we'll have enough to build our own colour books. Today, we explored the colours red and blue.

RE - 09.11.2023


In RE this half term, we're focussing on which times are special and why? Today, we had a look inside our elebration Tub, and linked the objects to different celebrations - some we've already heard of like birthdays or Christmas, and some new ones like Diwali or Sukkot.

Outdoor phonics

Nursery and reception children went outside to practise their phonics

Forest School- 25.10.23


This week in forest school, we went on a leaf hunt to collect different types of leaves. We also found a really wet and muddy puddle which was super fun to jump in!

Leaf Man- Forest School 18.10.23

In Forest School we read 'Leaf Man' and made pictures to go with the story. We had lots of fun!

Maths- Repeated Patterns

In maths this week, we have been learning about repeated patterns. Have a look at our patterns we have made in the classroom!!


Can you make a pattern at home?


Pen Disco- 11.10.23

We have been trying really hard to improve and refine our fine motor skills in Beech Class, this week we tried Pen Disco and it was lots of fun!

I have put a link below if you would like to try it at home.

Pen Disco - Waves - YouTube

Forest School 11.10.23


Beech Class have had a wonderful time exploring Forest School this morning. We learnt the Forest School Expectations and investigated our surroundings. We had lots of fun!


Getting changed after Forest school was also very fun!

To help your child- please allow them to get dressed, into their uniform, on their own to help us get them dressed after Forest School.

Role Play- Cafe

(Understanding of the World)


This week in our role play area we have been pretending to work at, or visit, a cafe, we have had so much fun! Some of the children have been taking orders; some have been dressing up; others have been taking phone calls for bookings. Maybe you could go to a real cafe so your child could experience this in real life.

Flower paint - 06.10.2023


Today we explored colour and texture using natural materials, flower petals. To make the flower paint, we used a pestle and mortar to soften the petals, then mixed them in some water and glue, and some food colouring. I wonder what we could use instead of flowers to make paint?

Learning about our sense sight - 05.10.2023


Today we learnt about our sense, sight. We spoke about why eyesight is important, and had a think about what we would be unable to do without our eyesight. To explore what it would be like without eyesight, we had a go at blindfolded drawing.

Dough Disco

In Beech class, we love Dough disco. We get to have fun playing with playdough whilst strengthening our fingers at the same time. 

Here are a few links for you to have a go at home....

Dough dance/finger gym routine | Down in the Jungle | Nursery rhyme with playdough - YouTube

This is the way! | Play dough song for fine motor development | Dough dance - YouTube

How to help your child at home


As promised, we've sent everyone home with a list of words for you to practise sounding out and spelling.


You could practise writing the letters in the following ways:

-bubbles in the bath

-using Daddy's shaving foam

-in sand

-in tomato sauce

- manipulating cooked spaghetti

- arranging magnetic letters


Being able to sound out words will help your child in becoming an effective and confident reader. Along with daily practise of these sounds, please also read with your child daily if possible and to put their book back in their bag. Have a great weekend, we'll see you all on Monday.

Maths WC 25.9.23

In maths this week wqe have been learning to sort in lots of different ways. Take a look at the pictures below to see our learning! It has been super fun!

We started our daily Sounds Write lessons this week, focussing on the sounds 'a, i, m, s, t'. We've sent everyone home with an envelope of these sounds to practice at home every day. Next week, we'll update you with a list of words to practice sounding out and spelling, using these sounds. To support your child in becoming an effective and confident reader we hope to work with you to develop their knowledge of phonics (Sounds Write) to enable them to decode different words they may come across.

WOW! What a fantastic three weeks we've had in Beech class. Mrs Orme, Mrs Saville, Miss Millward and Mrs Smedley have really enjoyed getting to know you all and can't wait to spend the rest of the year in Beech class with you. We want to say a big well done to everyone for all your fabulous learning so far. It is going to be a fun-filled, productive and exciting year. Our first topics for the year are ‘new beginnings’ followed by ‘festivals and celebrations’.

We've had 8 8 7 7 7 visitors