Home Page


Morning all, please see attached our weekly timetable of suggested activities and topics and a full list of educational websites. 


My email to contact and ask any questions/get support or just to say hello :) is


Stay safe at home and be kind :) 


Lots of love, TEAM OAK!

Letter to children from Miss Mills

Websites for KS1 and KS2

REAL PE have made the online free for you to access:

The website address is: 
Parent email:
Password: hartshorne

Home Ideas :)

7.5.20 - We created a lovely picture today, whilst measuring all of the lines accurately. Why don't you try this at home!

28th April 2020:

Morning everyone, I just wanted to say that I can access your Rock Star times tables logins from home, so if you have lost yours or can't remember it please email me and I will send you the login details. 


Miss you all, 


Miss Mills :)

2nd April 2020 - Have a look at the Forest School's page to discover lots of simple ideas to do outdoors! Have fun smiley

Coping strategies and wellbeing

Hope you are all well. I am missing you all lots. Below are maths objectives we would have been covering this term. This is just a guide and optional. It's here if you would like it :) 
Spring Term 1 and 2: Would you like to live in a house like this?

Our value this term is creativity. The children were inspired by Wassily Kandinsky and experimented with blow painting.

Becoming historians: what is chronology?

Welcome to Oak class page! 

Autumn term 1 and 2: This is Me!

Honey team 2: putting into jars and making labels

Oak family worship. Thank you so much coming and taking part in our English activities :)

NSPCC visit: 1st October 2019

Our value this term is friendship. We sorted friendly and unfriendly scenarios.

Learning about and matching homophone spellings.

28.8.19 Y3 letter

X table games in basic skills.

We've had 8 8 7 7 7 visitors