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Welcome to brilliant Beech class! 

Come and see how we explore, learn and play! 

9th July 2021 It's so sad to use our class page not to show children's lovely learning. Today during tidy up time at the end of lunch time someone broke the drawer whilst tidying up. They made the rest of the class miss some of their learning time whilst we waited for them to tell the truth about what they had done. No-one admitted that they had even done it accidentally, so our beautiful new outdoor area will be closed for a while until the child/children explain how it happened. It makes all the staff feel very sad we have had to result to this action.

30.06.21 Reception have been discovering the importance of clear instructions after a visit to class from Luigi and Giuseppe who couldn't make ice lollies. The children helped to write a set of instructions to help them and then followed them to make their own fab lollies! They can't wait to taste them tomorrow...

30.06.21 Nursery have been demonstrating their amazing skills through their play this week, developing their physical gross motor skills, communication and language, developing friendships further through collaborative planning and play! Brilliant work Nursery we are so proud of how far you have come this year!

24.06.21 RSEday2021 Reception loved hearing the story of 'Meesha makes friends' today and talked about their friends and the qualities of being a good friend

18.06.21 This week in our collective worship we have been learning about the Holy Spirit, Jack in the box taught us about the fruits of the spirit including the of love and the fruit of joy.

11.06.21 This afternoon a group of our nursery children had a wonderful time exploring, collaborating, swinging, challenging themselves, building, digging and discovering whilst in our fabulous outdoor natural environment. Being outdoors makes a unique contribution to the development of the whole child and research evidence suggests there is a link between physical activity and academic achievement, as well as an improvement in children’s behaviour and the development of social interaction ​which supports our children to achieve more and have fun too!

10.06.21 Reception children had a fantastic afternoon exploring our local church grounds whilst taking part in Churches Count on Nature 2021 as part of 'love your burial ground week'. We found lots of examples of nature and enjoyed estimating how many daisies we could see too. too

26.05.21 Today Beech class have been creating fossils just like the ones palaeontologists examine to help them find out about where dinosaurs lived

21st May Nursery children have been counting in order to 10 and using natural resources to create a number line. You could try singing number nursery rhymes at home like 10 green bottles or 1 man went to mow a meadow to help rehearse these skills.

21st May More dinosaur art...this time reception used digital art to create a prehistoric scene.

14th May 2021 -Reception used their PE equipment to create dinosaur art by following a map and working together as teams. They learnt the importance of sharing out jobs, taking turns and listening to each other.

12th May 2021 - Today Reception had great fun recreating volcanoes after discovering how dinosaurs became extinct!

10th May 2021 "The Big Ask" - Would you like to have your child's thoughts and opinions heard by the Children's Commissioner? Complete the survey found on the document below to show the government what children think and need to live happier lives! The deadline for this is 28th May -get involved and have your children's voices heard.

7th May 2021 Reception explored colour mixing using watercolours today, creating their own mixed-up chameleons.

7th May 2021 Nursery have been helping to plant and care for herbs in our new outdoor area and have been checking how our potatoes are growing too!

5th May 2021 Reception enjoyed a visit from World Record holder and freestyling footballer Dan Magness, they loved watching his amazing football skills and even had a chance to practice some skills themselves too.

4th May 2021 - Today Beech class had a special delivery! The children talked about what they thought it might be and then wrote labels to help keep it safe.

30th April 2021 Nursery have been talking about who lives in their house this week.

23rd April -Reception children have been exploring colour mixing and printing using bubble wrap to create a textured skin pattern on our frogs.

23rd April 2021 - What an exciting start to our new Summer Term, we have had a special delivery of frogspawn to Beech class this week and the children have loved seeing them turn into tadpoles! Thank you to Mrs Jackson for supplying our new additions! We have been exploring lots of other reptiles too through our small world play and by looking at information books to help us find out more.

31.03.21 We had a fabulous "Chr-Easter" lunch today together in our bubble, complete with crackers and party hats too!

26.03.21 This afternoon our reception children and some nursery had fun exploring our new outdoor area!

26.03.21 Reception children have been talking about heroes and villains. Using SuperTato as inspiration they created their own superveggies and superfruities and made stories about them too!

24.03.21 Today's Jack in the Box story was the second in our series about Easter, we found out why Jesus had washed his disciples feet.

23.03.21 Today we took part in the minutes silence for the National Day of Reflection and talked about what we are most looking forward to in the future. We created a reflections display using tissue paper hearts and a prayer.

17.03.21 We listened to our Jack in a Box collective worship story from the bible on our new grass today in the spring sunshine.

17.03.21 Our new outdoor area is being filled with lots of brilliant, play-based learning opportunities for Beech class and is almost ready to explore...

15.03.21 Today's Jack in the Box collective worship story was all about Mr Proud and Mr Sorry, why not ask your child which man they though was being truthful to themselves.

15.03.21 Reception really enjoyed their cricket session today!

15.03.21 Here's a sneaky peek at our almost complete extended outdoor area, the children will be able to explore it very soon!

08.03.21 Welcome back everyone! So lovely to see you rebuilding your friendships, playing and having fun.

05.03.21 A few more photographs of our ongoing work on the new outdoor area.

04.03.21 Work has begun today on our new extended outdoor area and we are so excited for you to see it as the work will continue into next week too.

04.03.21 It's World Book Day ! Have fun reading lots of your favourite books, acting out stories using your toys or dressing up as your favourite character. You could even try this World Book Day Scavenger Hunt or design a new front cover for your favourite book, don't forget to share with us your photographs and have fun! x

09.02.21 Safer Internet Day 2021 Remote learning resources for 4-7 years

08.02.21 Science themed daily outdoor 'muddy' challenges for 3 -5 years

25.01.21 Snow fun pictures!

25.01.21 Snow themed learning ideas!

25.01.21 smileyWe want to see your snow fun pictures ! Email them to and we will share them on the class page. smiley

25.01.21 Did you know that tonight is Burn's Night in Scotland, a celebration of the life and poetry of Robert Burns. Can you find out more about it? Here are some Burn's night colouring pictures.

25.01.21 Non-screen quick phonics games to try at home.

25.01.21 Downloadable phonics workbook -this booklet is 40 pages so just download the pages your child needs to practice.

20.01.21 Funtime activity ideas for 3-6 year olds.

20.01.21 More non-screen activity ideas for 3-6 year olds.

20.01.21 Nursery rhyme activity pack for Nursery and Reception from the brilliant ideas website 'Is it time to play?'

20.01.21 Active play booklet -ideas for physical play.

20.01.21 To support our learning about 'Special People' here are some printable colouring in pages showing different jobs and workplaces.

19.01.21 Art inspired activities to develop creative skills through play.

18.01.21 Happy 5th birthday Macie-Leigh! We hope you have a lovely day xx 

16.01.21 Non-screen activities to try at home to support writing.

15.01.21 Magical Maths activities to try at home.

14.01.21 A very, very happy 5th birthday to Stanley x 

14.01.21 Ideas to make phonics fun at home.

12.01.21 Can you work out to the days of the week song? What day is it today?

7th Jan 2021 - A very, very happy birthday to Penelope ! We all hope you have a wonderful 5th birthday x

11.12.20 Congratulations to Toby for being so compassionate and kind this week and our Golden award winner!

11.12.20 This week Reception have been discovering the Nativity story through dressing up and creating story maps.

10.11.20 Feed the birds!

4.12.20 Well done Milania for being our Golden award this week !

3.12.20 Beech class helped to create a Christmas star as part of their Forest School today, you can find out what else we discovered by visiting the Forest School section of the website!

27.11.20 Congratulations to Margo , this weeks Golden award winner ! Great work Margo.

27.11.20 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

26.11.20 This week Reception children have been discovering the famous artist Wassily Kandinsky and using his style to create their own inspired artwork.

25.11.20 Did you know Derby County Community Trust are having a 'Design a Christmas Card' competition ? It is open to children aged between 4 and 12 years old and the winning design will be printed 1000 times and distributed as part of Derby County's 'Stay Safe, Stay Fit, Stay Connected' campaign. The design should be on plain white paper and colourful with pictures on it. Don't forget to include your name, age and our school name on your entry. Below you can find some festive templates to use or draw your own! Entries should be submitted by Wednesday 2nd December and emailed to Good Luck everyone!

20.11.20 Congrats to Jax ! Our 'Golden' award winner this week.

17.11.20 Today Beech class have been learning about staying safe online using Childnet's story of Smartie the Penguin, parents and carers can find out more useful information about keeping children under 5 safe online in the following document.

13.11.20 Well done to Penelope, our Golden award winner this week!

11.11.20 Today Nursery have been developing their fine motor strength by working up a sweat at the dough disco and reception children have been developing their maths skills by playing games together using counters.

9th November 2020 - Nursery have been working hard during their physical development activities this morning, including Sticky Kids work outs and practising ball skills.

6th November 2020 - Congratulations Ronnie! Our Golden certificate winner this week. Well done!

5th November 2020 - Remember, remember the 5th of November... Reception children have been creating their own bonfire collages and firework chalk smudge artwork too.

5th November - Nursery children have been having fun by using their voices to make different sounds today. This helps to develop their speaking and listening skills which is incredibly important and lays the foundations for the next phase of phonics learning, orally segmenting sounds and blending to read.

4th November 2020 -Today reception discovered the new story of 'Bat learns to dance'. The children heard the story and drew their favourite part of the story and then shared what they had drawn together.

22.10.20 - Look at the Forest School page to see what Beech class got up to with a hammer today!smiley

22.10.20 This week Reception children have been creating repeating pattern fruit kebabs!

10.10.20 Building Blocks of Reading - It is important to remember the reading process is not a race to the top of the tower! Reading needs all elements (building blocks) as shown below including being able to listen carefully, alliteration, rhythm and rhyme, listening to and remembering sounds and oral blending securely in place, this is why we send home picture books initially to support these early reading skills. Our EYFS -Literacy page on the school website offers lots of important information and videos on the Early Years reading and writing process for parents and carers.

09.10.20 Congratulations to Stanley - this weeks Golden child!

08.10.20 Today in our Forest School session we searched for Leaf Man and then had lots of splashing, puddle jumping, mud pie making and sliding fun!

02.10.20 Well done to Georgia for being "Golden" this week!

1.10.20 - Forest School fun! Today we have been exploring how to climb trees safely and move our bodies using swings of different types.

29.09.20 Today Reception have been learning about different emotions, they then painted their own emojis, see if you can name any...

28.09.20 - Reception children had their first Real PE lesson today and were "riding their bike" by exploring movement in lots of different ways.

24.09.20 Reception children have been having fun outdoors in our Forest School today!

24.09.20 Our Nursery children are becoming more confident in discovering and choosing their own activities after spending time exploring the classroom with their parents during our Stay and Play sessions.

14.09.20 - First day fun in Beech class! The new reception children have all looked so smart and had a super time exploring their new classroom, making new friends and beginning to learn the new routines.

We've had 8 8 7 9 1 visitors