Home Page

Letters to Parents

Letters are now created using MS Sway and are sent electronically. If you are not receiving them please let us know. If you need a paper copy you can request this from the school office. Please be aware that any information on embedded links will not be available on paper. 

Wellies in the Woods

Beat the Street have teamed up with Groundwork to bring you Wellies in the Woods during the summer holidays! They are FREE play sessions for children aged 5 - 10 years old, that combine play with education and creativity. Children and their grown-ups will be able to make new friends and get creative, exploring nature and creatures great and small! 

10am - 11.30am in Oversetts Community Wood, Swadlincote, DE110SW (near Fairmeadows Foundation Primary). Multiple dates. Make sure to book here:

Road Traffic Regulations

KS1 Mini Olympics July 2024

Choir Letter May 2024

Health protection bulletin 

Sports Event at Moorways

Oak Class Play with the Halle

Skipping Rope Sale 30th April 2024

Beat the Street

Pine Class trip to Pine Lake

Mercia Academy (formerly William Allitt)

Hartshorne Cricket Club

Talking to children about mental health

EYFS Staffing 3

Tutbury Castle trip - Willow

EYFS Staffing 2

Police Parking Flyer

EYFS staffing

Pine and Oak trip to Snowman Performance 1st Dec

Pine and Oak Cinema trip

Pine Class Swimming Calendar 2023-2024

National Sleep Helpline

Parent Governor Vacancy

The Pingle Academy Open Evening

Out and Active Summer Scheme

It's About Me holiday activities

Skate board sessions

Poetry by Attie Lime

Parking Letter from Derbyshire Alert

Frozen Water Safety

Keeping safe around pets - Advice from RSPCA passed on by Derbyshire Police

Nursery Story Sacks

COVID update 22 Sept 21

COVID confirmed case

Year 6 Walking home independently

Letter from Public Health England July 2021

Musical Instrument: Further Opportunities

Travel Smart letter

Letter from Director of Public Health Derbyshire

Premier Education holiday club at Woodville

Y6 Transition to Granville Academy

Return to School 3

Return to School 2

Return to school

January Updates

Beech Class Teams

Half Term

Willow Maternity Cover


Microsoft Teams again

Microsoft Teams for Willow

Key Stage 2 Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Lockdown 3

January Update

Letter to parents from PHE - Derbyshire December 2020

Winter Grant Scheme

Kitchen Closure Update

Kitchen Closure

November Updates 2

Pine Craft letter

Bag2School collection

Basketball Pine and Oak

November Update

PE and other updates

Letter from Safer Neighbourhood Team about parking

Y2 Transition September 2020

Recovery Curriculum Survey July 2020

Update for September (2 July 2020)

Update 29 June 20

Year 6 possible return to school

Year 1 Return Interest 12 June 2020

Reception Return Interest June 5 2020

Wider Opening 29 May 2020

Parents of keyworker and vulnerable children

Update 22 May

DCC Statement on wider reopening

Poster to familiarise children with

Update 19 May 2020

Survey May 13

Latest News 11 May

Letter to Children from Miss Mills

Letter to children from Mrs Orme

Latest News 4 May

Flu Vaccine permission from school health team

Free School Meals


Fundraiser for NHS

Letter to Children April

Letter from Director of Public Health for Derbyshire

Don't worry bout a ting

Learning set

Letter to children

World Book Day Book Sale

Parents' Afternoon and Design to Delight

Y4 Multiplication Timestable Check Summer 2020

Christmas Dinner 18 Dec

NSPCC Sparkle Day

Pine and Oak RE conference

Dads and dens day

Governor Information Leaflet

Fitness Equipment

Grandparents' Day

Harvest Festival

Flu immunisation letter and online details

Sports Day 2019 Letter

Pine and Oak summer production

Family picnic and Maypole 7 May

Easter Service Monday

Permission for another person to pick up child after school

Parents' Afternoon and Design to Delight

Parent Questionnaire

Police Commissioner visit to Hartshorne Church Hall

Race for Life thank you letter

Willow and Beech Christmas Production

PTA Christmas Disco

Oak and Pine RE Conference 28 Nov

Harvest Festival

School Photographs

Parent's Evening Letter

Letter from Derbyshire County Council regarding building works

Pre School Consultation Outcomes 12.7.18

Pine and Oak Production

School Attendance Letter

Library Lettter June 18

Safeguarding You Tube

Easter Bonnet Parade 23 March 2018

Parents' Afternoon

Attendance Letter


Willow and Beech Mary's Knitting

Open Centre Cultural Diversity Trip

Christmas Dinner 13 December

Cultural Diversity Days

Children in Need

Parents Afternoon

Forest School Oak

Online Safety

Oak and Pine Production letter

Sports day and family picnic

Snapchat - Online safety

Pine Forest Schools

Oak and Pine 'Adventur' day

Oak Class Ukulele Concert Wednesday 13 June

Oak Class Trip 22 June

British Values and Maypole 26 May

Beech Class Mermorable Experience 6 June 2017

Beech Mixed Class 2017

Cultural Diversity Day Friday 19 May 2017

We've had 8 8 7 9 1 visitors