Welcome to Beech class !
Come and see how we learn...
15.11.17 - World Nursery Rhyme Week !
Beech class have been exploring nursery rhymes this week to celebrate this special week. We have been making hot cross buns, painting our favourite nursery rhyme characters, creating story maps for nursery rhymes, learning new nursery rhymes and finding out how we can help Humpty Dumpty not break when falling off the wall by testing different materials for him to land on.
3.11.17 - The children have returned fantastically after the half term break and this week in our learning we have been exploring 2d and 3d shapes and working hard at writing words to describe the sounds fireworks make when they explode. The children also learnt about why we celebrate bonfire night and who the guy is on top of a bonfire, we enjoyed dressing up as firefighters too! We have also been finding out about Jesus and had fun dressing up in clothes which Tom and Tessa brought for us to wear. You can see the pictures of this on our school Religious Education page.
Have a safe bonfire weekend !
04.10.17 - It's only Wednesday and already we have had so much fun learning ...
We have explored how dough can be made using flour, food colouring and water, created our own role play using cardboard boxes, practiced writing our new phonemes and been on a colour hunt to find Elmer the elephant's lost colours.
28.09.17 - This week in Beech class the children have begun to learn the first phonemes s a t p ,through our phonics lessons. The children have been practicing forming and pronouncing the phonemes correctly and have been eager to show and demonstrate their skills. We have also begun to blend our first few phonemes together to read simple words such as 'an' , 'at' 'sat' and 'as'.
The children will all be bringing home their phoneme bags with the sounds we have learnt this week for your child to practice at home. We will be adding new sets of phonemes to these bags each week , so please keep them in your child's book bags or rucksacks.
The children have also enjoyed making junk models using their own imaginative ideas.
22nd September 2017
Beech class are strengthening their hand grip and fine motor muscles through lots of 'Dough Disco' exercises. We have been saying 'Hello fingers!" to Tommy Thumb, Peter Pointer, Toby Tall, Ruby Ring and Baby Small and bouncing, jogging, diving, bending and stretching and dancing our fingers into our dough. We have also been squeezing, squashing, rolling and pinching, making dough rainbows, pancakes, pizzas and donuts !
Keep those fingers dancing !