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Welcome to the Summer term! :)

29th June 2018: Science: Do you really know how much sugar is in different drinks and food? We tested different liquids to see if they would cause tooth decay.

June 2018: Science Rocks: The children have enjoyed learning about the types of rocks and testing their properties.

Last term Oak class won all 3 trophies! Awesome :)

Wednesday 2nd May 2018: Carving our rune designs in soap :)

Tuesday 1st May 2018: Carving Viking runes in our Forest School area :)

Saltmine Theatre Company with a focus on Internet Safefy. Oak and Pine loved taking part in the production and workshop.

13.3.18 Oak Girls Football

Spring Term 1: 

Happy New Year all! Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2018!

Design to Delight! We had great fun in Brewers making Chinese paper drums, year of the dog masks and dragon paper chains. Thanks for coming along :)

Safer Internet Day 2018: The children have had mature discussions about staying safe online.

Here are the finished shields! They are fantastic! Well done :)

Here is the Roman shield making process. Look out for the finished article!

Here is some of the fantastic homework we have had for our I am Warrior topic. Keep it up Oak class :)

10th January 2018: The children enjoyed sorting Roman events in chronological order on a timeline.

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Here is a picture of our fantastic pom pom robins :)

Autumn Term Two: 

Welcome back! I hope you all had a lovely half term.


The children have settled in well and are excited about our new topic 'Festivals'.


We have lots of fun learning opportunities this term. Keep checking our class page for details. See you soon :) 

Friday 24th November 2017: Basketball and Konga fun!

Welcome to the Oak class page :) The children have made a fantastic start to the year.  
8th September 2017 - Anti-bullying workshop. Oak class learnt skills and strategies to identify and prevent bullying. The children had fun using virtual reality. 

Thursday 14th September 2017

This week the children have enjoyed learning about seed dispersal in Science. We used drama to act out wind, water, animal, explosion and eaten forms.


We had two super 3D models for homework on Friday 15th September 2017. Below are two Stone Age models made from plasticine. Thank you :)

Friday 15th September 2017

The NSPCC visited Oak and Pine class. Ask your child if they can remember the important telephone number.


Friday 22nd September 2017

Thank you for more super homework this week! Lucie's model was fantastic!  

Friday 29th September 2017: More superb homework from Jacob, Archie and Jack! Thank you :)

Thursday 5th October 2017: The end result of the children's germination investigation.

Thursday 5th October 2017: The children had fun acting out all parts of the flowering plant life cycle

Lots of fantastic homework again this week. Thank you! Emily showed us a fabulous fossil. :)

We've had 8 8 7 7 7 visitors