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Welcome to the Wonderful Willow Class


Your teacher will be Ms Kaur and your teaching Assistant will be Mrs Matthews.


PE will be every Friday, so please come to school in your PE kit on that day.

REMINDER: PE kits should be a plain white t-shirt with no logos, plain black or blue shorts or jogging bottoms also with no logos and trainers or PE pumps.  


Forest School will be every Tuesday so please come to school in your school uniform and bring your forest school clothes in a spare bag. (Don't forget your wellies!)


Reading books will be changed every Friday so please make sure you bring your reading book and diary.

Our Topic for the Summer Term


This term in Willow Class we will be learning about plants. We will be looking at what plants need to grow and find out what happens to a plant if you do not give them the things they need to grow. We will also be planting our own beans and recording in a diary each week, what changes have happened.


In RE, we will be learning from the Understanding Christianity scheme. This half term, we will be doing Gospel which the children will be learning about how Jesus brought good news to the world. The children will be learning about how Jesus was a good friend and what makes a good friend as well as what good news he brought. 



Year 1- Teach your Monster to read (phonics) game



Teach your Monster to Read is a series of games which helps children to master the key first stages of reading.  

Your child will benefit more from the game if they can play at home. It’s free to play on a PC and laptop, or you can download the Teach Your Monster to Read app from the app store on phones and tablets (but you may have to pay for it)

To play on the website, visit and start playing in seconds.

You can log in to your child’s game using the details in their reading diary or via and email Mrs Orme has sent you, if she has your email address.

Year 2 Maths- Times tables

Year 2s are learning about times tables, Time Tables Rock Stars and Hit the button are great websites to help your child. All Year 2s have logins in their homework diaries.



Road safety 23/6/21

Guided Reading 18/6/21

Our guided reading story this week was called "Back to Earth with a Bump" which is about a little boy called Hal and his adventures in space. The children read and followed instructions about how to make a Fruit rocket! They look tasty!

Art 18/6/21

In Art this half term, we will be learning about sculptures. The children created their own mini nature sculptures out of clay and painted them.



We had Dan Magness come to school to teach us some football tricks!


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


We have been learning about Easter in our RE lessons this half term. The children learnt about the significance of hot cross buns and Easter eggs at Easter time.

RE - 10/3/21

The children had a special RE lesson, learning about the Sikh religion. They made a Kalgi (an ornament worn on the turban) and they compared Sikh beliefs to Christianity. I also demonstrated how I tie my turban. The children were fascinated!

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