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Welcome to Oak Class!



Monday 20 February 2017 "Predator" Memorable Experience

Wednesday 7th December 2016 - Oak Class have been looking at the story stages for Coming Home today. Here is some of their work.

Tuesday 29th November - Oak class made small dens for their toy characters today. They also had fun building areas with tyres and ropes.

Year 4 Football Club letter

Forest Schools

Ringworm Advice

23.6.16 - The children of Oak Class met the Archbishop of Canterbury - Justin Welby

Thorpe Cloud trip letter

Trip to St Johns Church 11 March

W/C 1.2.16. Oak class enjoyed outdoor learning this week, searching for and identifying right angles.

Letter to Oak Class Parents Feb 16

Nonsense Poetry - WC 25th January 2016. All of the children in Oak Class have worked exceptionally hard this week creating their own nonsense poems. Here is a snapshot of some of their brilliant work.

Hanukkah Celebrations 30/11/15 - 4/12/15

International Mud Day 29 June 2015
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