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Welcome to the Oak class page! 

Welcome to the Summer term! 

This term we launch our brilliant, beautiful bee topic!  

Busy Bees 28 June 2019

Anti Bullying Ambassadors The Diana Award 27.6.19

Stage 1 of our Bee gallery - paper mache layer one :)

The children are enjoying playing bee related games created for their homework.

Year 3 Bee collage and printing fun :) whilst Year 4 children built the hive.

Samba band in the great outdoor classroom!

Using the I pads to research the fantastic Manchester Bee in the City festival. The children collected ideas for their own designs.

Welcome to term Spring 2!

Super smartie fractions: the children found fractions of an amount of smarties. Have a go at home :).

Experiment testing the viscosity (flow) of a liquid. Which one was the quickest?

Sorting solids, liquids and gases

26/02/19: Mindfulness: today we practised a body scan

Wednesday 26th February 2019: The Samba band begins :)

Spelling strategies for the suffix: ous

Welcome to the Spring term! 

24th January 2019: our fantastic author visit from Wes Magee. What a brilliant day!

FABULOUS FRUIT TASTING! Have you discovered a new fruit you like?

Drumming Concert and Reading Workshop

Creating our CREATIVIITY display. All the children's work was different as equally as creative :)

Nonsense poetry: On the Ning, Nang, Nong. The children performed in small groups. We had lots of fun!

Autumn term 2: Festivals

Compassion is our value this term. Here we are creating freeze frames.

Oak spellings for sponsored spell

Silhouette Blitz Skyline Art

ICT: Light

Autumn Term 1: Predator

First week back: we have been getting to know each other, talking about the connections we have with each other and how we need to cooperate as friends.

Tuesday 18th September 2018: our fantastic first djembe drum session through Music Partnership. We had lots of fun!

Our wonderful new reading garden :)

Some fabulous homework already this term. Thank you!

Venus fly traps! Predatory plants.

We've had 8 8 7 7 7 visitors