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Welcome to brilliant Beech class !

Come and see how we learn and play 

Hello everyone! 

Our suggested activities and topics continue to be added to so please keep checking back for support. A full list of educational websites is posted below (keep scrolling to find it) please remember to check the age ranges before using.


My email to contact and ask any questions/get support or just to say hello :) is 


Stay safe and be kind  smiley


Lots of love Mrs Ganley, Miss Walker, Sue and Alice x 

Team Beech smiley

14th July 2020 - Here are some pictures of some new areas we have been busy creating for you in our playground. There is a new small world tyre area for you to play and let your imagination run wild, and there is a "Reading Garden" Tyre seating area for you to sit and enjoy, share and listen to lots of wonderful stories, poems and rhymes! We can't wait for you to see it in September!

13th July 2020 -This weeks White Rose summer maths activities are based around the book "How many legs? ".

6th July 2020 50 Things to do this summer 2020! How many can you complete before September ? x Have fun!

6th July 2020 One more Scholastic story based activity pack for you to try The Highway Rat, have fun x

6th July 2020 - This weeks White Rose Maths story is...

1st July 2020 - smiley Happy birthday Charlie and Emily ! 

29th June 2020 - Brand new Talk for Writing story for you to use in your learning at home is a lovely story called Rainy-day Rabbit, this download has lots of engaging, fun and purposeful activities linked to the story.

29th June 2020 - This weeks EYFS maths from White Rose is ...

21st June 2020 - This weeks White Rose Maths story is the fabulous Zog ! Have fun x

15th June 2020 - Derby Diocese Learning Project Week 8 Have Fun x

15th June 2020 - This weeks White Rose Maths story is Princess Mirror Belle and the Dragon Pox

8th June 2020 - Brand New Talk for Writing pack - Max's Jungle Adventure !

8th June 2020 - Derby Diocese EYFS Home Learning project Week 7

8th June 2020 - This weeks White Rose Maths story is....

3rd June 2020 Reception Summer Term Home Learning challenges

1st June 2020 Derby Diocese Early Years Learning project week 6

29th May 2020 - Did you know that this Sunday is Pentecost, sometimes known as 'Whitsun'? It is celebrated by Christians to mark the coming of the Holy Spirit to the disciples after Jesus had died at Easter. You could celebrate it too by colouring in the picture and displaying it at home.

25th May 2020 - Lots of lovely Early Years ideas for play based learning!

25th May 2020 - Happy bank holiday everyone! Here is the White Rose Maths story for this week... The Snail and The Whale!

25th May 2020 Derby Diocese Learning project

18th May 2020 Why not try going on a Teddy Bear Walk ? 3 lovely walks in the local area created by the Active South Derbyshire Team.

18th May 2020 Brand new Talk for Writing project - Mouse's Adventure - I'd love to see your story maps from this story or any other story you have been reading at home. Don't forget to send them to me at

18th May 2020 - DDAT home learning project week 4 -'Water'

18th May 2020 - This weeks White Rose Maths learning is one of my favourite books- SuperWorm!

12th May 2020 - Derby Diocese EYFS home learning project Week 3 - 'Water'

Make a butterfly feeder

Attract more butterflies to your garden - rustle up this tasty treat! Kids will love making this fantastic DIY butterfly feeder (and keeping their eyes peele...

11th May 2020 - Spring into Spring Early Years activities for Nursery and Reception children

11th May 2020 Simple 15 minute activities for Reception children to support learning about On-Line Safety.

11th May 2020 - This weeks White Rose Maths found at is The Very Busy Spider.

6th May 2020 - So excited to reveal that we have moved some very, very, very heavy tyres to begin to create a seating area and an area for small world play onto the playground today. We will be completing this by filling the tyres and covering them with artificial grass and filling some with different stones to enhance our playground!

5th May 2020 - VE day challenges for Tuesday and Wednesday.

3rd May 2020 - Exciting news for you! (Especially the children who have been busy looking after caterpillars) This weeks White Rose Maths is using a very familiar book...

3rd May 2020 - Here is the 2nd week of the Early Years topic "Earth" created by the Derby Diocese for you to learn and discover...

3rd May 2020 - This week marks the very special celebration of the 75th anniversary of VE day which you may want to talk about with your child, there will be activities posted daily for this week as a mini project to try, ending the week with a VE day party in your garden! Have fun x

3rd May 2020 - If you fancy an adventure, this learning pack might be the one for you. These activities can be dipped in and out of, just pick and choose what you and your child would like to do!

Letter from Miss Walker

Letter from Mrs Ganley and EY staff

27th April 2020 - Aaarrrrr! Shiver me timbers! This weeks White Rose Maths is pirate themed...

27th April 2020 - Here is also a new Talk for Writing pack - This one is called "The Amazing adventures of Max" (Max is a dog!) Have fun and don't forget to let me know how you get on or contact us if you have any questions about it. Mrs Gx

27th April 2020 - Derby Diocese have created a topic based learning pack for Reception children to use, this topic is called Earth.

22nd April 2020- Robin chick update... Mummy Robin has arrived to feed them!

Still image for this video

22nd April 2020 - Robin chicks !

Still image for this video
Today Miss Walker has found a surprise in the Forest School area... Robin chicks nesting in the woodpile under the tarpaulin, she is going to make sure they stay safe by leaving them alone for their mum to come back and feed them.
I wonder what names you can think of to call them? There are 3 chicks. Why not draw a robin, find out facts about robins and their chicks and make a flip book or write a list of suggested names for them. Have fun x

21st April 2020 - Supertato Maths activities alert! Check out for a week of Supertato themed activities!

20th April 2020 - Nursery children - Here are some Summer Term suggestions for you to try too, don't forget to share by email all you have been doing too! Email:

14th April 2020 - Here are some more lovely simple ideas for Nursery and Reception children to try.

14th April 2020 - Here is a lovely Talk for Writing idea for Reception children to try planned by the briiliant Pie Corbett -Mavis the Magical Cat

13th April 2020 - If you have eaten all your eggs already, here are some Numberblocks Easter eggs to colour in instead!

13th April 2020 Happy Easter everyone! xx

3rd April 2020 Mrs Ganley has not played her tenor horn in a very, very long time, so she has decided to start practicing again! What musical instrument can you play? If you don't have a real one maybe you could make one from a cereal packet and some stones or a cardboard tube, have fun x

2nd April 2020 - Here are some simple,play based everyday learning opportunities for you to try.

2nd April 2020 - Have a look at the Forest School's page for lots of simple ideas you can do outdoors! smiley

2nd April 2020 - Say thank-you to people who help us by colouring in these pictures and displaying them in your windows, or why not draw one of your own and write a mesage too!

31st March 2020 Billy the reading bear has been reading lots of books, his favourite this week is Kitchen Disco, which is really funny! What have you been reading? Can you draw a story map for one of your favourites and add some actions as you retell it to someone in your home?

30th March 2020 Hello everyone! I hope you've had a fantastic weekend, today I have a message for all you brilliant parents...

27th March 2020 Miss Walker has drawn a rainbow too!

27th March 2020 Hello everyone, I hope you have had a lovely week and made the most of the beautiful weather, I have had lots of lovely emails telling me what you have been doing to keep busy and so I thought i would share with you what I have been doing too...

You can colour the Rammie rainbow in too, don't forget to show me by emailing in to x

26th March 2020 - Who would like to do some experiments today? Check these ideas out! Have fun x

25th March 2020 Hi everyone ! Did you know that if you use Google and type in an animal like 'bear' you can view it in 3d by clicking on the 'view in 3d' icon, try it with some other animals too! Have fun x 

25th March 2020 - Pop singing project - get involved and 'Lift up Your Voices'!

25th March - Coping calendar - Keep calm, stay wise, be kind

24th March 2020 - We know how much some of you love dinosaurs, so why not turn a paddling pool into your own dinosaur land or Jurassic park!

REAL PE have made the online free for you to access:

The website address is: 
Parent email:
Password: hartshorne

21st March 2020 100 things to do indoors!

21st March 2020 - Useful Early Years website to support learning and development.

21st March 2020 - Helping you to talk to your child about the school closure using a social story.

16th March 2020 - We're going on a shape hunt....

13th March 2020 - Exploring shape by making a house for one of the Three Little Pigs

04.03.2020 Reception children have been creating their own healthy meals using foods from each food group.

04.03.2020 Taking on roles as characters from The Enormous Turnip has helped the children to demonstrate their understanding of the story.

03.03.2020 Beech class have been exploring positional language this week, using the dolls house to explain to a friend where the monkey was. They also listened and followed to positional instructions and played 'In and Out the Dusty Bluebells' together.

26.02.20 Beech class have been learning together this week and playing lots of maths games together in pairs and showing their skills individually too!

5th February 2020 - Snowflakes - Many of the children haven't yet experienced snow as they were much younger the last time it snowed, unfortunatley the weather hasn't provided any to explore yet so we used photographs to look closely at the formation of snowflakes and how everyone is different and unique. The children then created their own representations of stunning, crystalised snowflakes.

5th February 2020

Real PE - This week we have been practising balancing on the balls of our feet, bending our knees and keeping a good stance. Why not try and see how high you can count to whilst balancing when standing at home? yes

3rd February - Feed the birds- the children have been busy thinking about helping others including animals and birds in winter. They created and hung their own bird feeders made both at home and at school.

14.01.20 Today reception children have been exploring the work of Vincent Van Gogh and using wintery colour mixing to create their own artwork on tinfoil!

13.01.20 Exploring physical activity using a range of equipment.

09.01.2020 The children have been thinking about our new Christian Value 'creativity' and worked collaboratively to create a creative, creation story art piece which will be used as our new table cloth for our class reflection area.

19.12.19 Everyone loves a baby! Nativity performance actors in their costumes...

18.12.19 - Reindeer antler hoopla !

3rd December Pe with parents ! - Don't forget to try this weeks challenge too ... play at being a cheeky monkey and lift your legs off the ground and count as high as you can!

29.11.19 Our foundation 1 children have had a busy week too, singing ten in the bed in maths this week as well as working hard to write their name by mark making.

29.11.19 This week reception children have begun to learn the Nativity Story using Talk for Writing actions following the story map created in class. They then had opportunities to retell the story using small world characters. Your child has brought home this new story in their Little book of story maps today for you to help them recite the story at home.

28.11.19 ICT - Reception children have been learning about on-line reputation through identifying and talking about electronic devices and ways that information can be put onto the internet.

22.11.19 Outdoor phonics -Reception have been practising our phase 2 sounds using chalk.

21.11.19 - Real PE - This week the Reception children have been practising their jumping and landing skills, trying out jumping adding a quarter turn, jumping from two feet to one foot and balancing on landing and jumping forwards, backwards and side to side.

12.11.19 Fishy phonics- Reception children have reached the end of phase 2 of letters and sounds , they have been consolidating recognising and saying the sounds, blending them into words and orally segmenting simple words saying each sound they can hear. Over the next few weeks we will be continuing to revise these sounds by reading and writing them in lots of different ways. The children have also brought home tricky word keyrings this week to help them learn sets of words which can't be sounded out.

22.10.19 Eco day- Beech class spent the day finding out about recycling, reusing and reducing the amount of waste we use everyday. They discovered the story of Grumpy the Hedgehog, played Recycling Relay, created clay and leafy faces, before creating their own Grumpys using newspaper. They then had a scavenger hunt, looking for objects around the nature area.

18.10.19 Power Maths in action! Children have been sorting objects into two groups and being encouraged to look closely at size,colour,pattern and shape to see if their objects can be sorted in more than one way. This is important because noticing similarities and differences is part of being mathematical. It is valuable for children to see that shapes and designs have many characteristics and can be sorted in a variety of ways.

11.10.19 Today the children helped to make some amazing models of familiar buildings in our local area!

11.10.19 This week has been a party week of learning for the children. They discovered it was Ted's 5th birthday party and had lots of fun representing 5 in different ways. They made collections of five, represented 5 in different ways and finished the week playing 'action' pass the parcel.

07.10.19 Beech class have been finding out more about our local area, we saw lots of buildings and really enjoyed splashing in the puddles on our journey! We even had chance to visit the park on the way back to school too.

03.10.19 Beech class have been using their Power Maths lessons to become Number Detectives and hunt around the classroom in groups of 4 to find groups of 4!

03.10.19 Beech class have been enjoying exploring sounds in different ways using old packaging, rice and pasta. They found out that by adding conkers to their musical instruments the sounds were lower.

02.10.19 Nursery children have been using their tummies to support their core strength and development.

26.09.19 Exploring beat and tempo - Beech class have been using instruments to discover how sounds can be played at different speeds and in different ways.

20.09.19 Phew! what a busy week, the children have been getting to know each other really well and have enjoyed learning to play some new board games, use the resources to enhance their play and imaginations and explore the indoors and outdoors to show us what they can do independently. Even Billy the reading bear was worn out by the end of the school day!

cool Have you seen our nursery rhyme pop video ? Click on the VRC button on the home page , find Beech class and watch our live performance featuring an exclusive special guest star singer ! smiley yes

20.09.19 Beech class had fun outdoors in the sun today creating their own art gallery using chalk!

19.09.19 Real PE - Beech class foundation 2 children practised their two footed jumping skills with Miss Walker and Mrs Lakin today using our new PE currciulum which focuses on core skills in a fun way. This lesson the children were travelling on the moon, collecting alien eggs and practising jumping and landing on the moon

16.09.19 Today we went on a listening walk, listening carefully to the different sounds we could hear in our environment outdoors. This skill is crucially important in helping to develop high quality speaking and listening skills in readiness for learning to read through phonics

09.09.19 - Our first Forest School session this year. We have been learning how to stay safe in our Forest School area and exploring different ways of playing and exploring outdoors, even in the rain!

05.09.19 Our new foundation 1 and 2 children have been exploring the classroom and making new friends whilst having lots of fun too!

We've had 8 8 7 9 1 visitors