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Mr Men and Little Miss

Last week, in school, we focused on the Mr Men books. We learnt how to draw Mr Men, watched Mr Men stories on Youtube and wrote our own Mr Men books. Below I have included a website where you can find some activities.


Activities for you to try at home


REAL PE have made the online free for you to access:

The website address is: 
Parent email:
Password: hartshorne

Outdoor Bird feeders 13.5.20

Today, at school, we made bird feeders using wool and Cheerios. We have hung them on the tree in the forest area so the birds don’t go hungry.


STEM activities for you at home- 12.5.20



Art at home- 11.5.20

I have been in school today and we made a stick letter. First we went on a nature walk to collect sticks then we cut a ‘W’ out of card and stick stick into it. I used a glue gun but you don’t have to glue the sticks on. You could just arrange the sticks and take a picture. Here is mine...

Derby Diocesan Academy Trust learning pack Week 1

Learning pack for both year groups. Feel free to have a browse and send me pictures of your learning!
Year 1

Year 2


Coronavirus story

Thank you Miss Sessions for sending me this lovely link about the Coronavirus. It explains about the virus in a very child-friendly way- please share with your child at home.

Activities for home


A great website with lots of fun ideas for your child to do at home. Enjoy!

Jump Start Jonny

Videos to dance and sing to- a fun way to stay fit and healthy at home (Some are free)

3D Animals

If you type an animal name into Google (on an iPhone or android) and then press ‘View in 3D’. It brings up your camera and then 30 seconds later you have an animal in your house! You can find a: Lion, Tiger, Cheetah, Shark, Hedgehog, Duck, Emperor penguin, Wolf, Angler fish, Goat, Rottweiler, Snakes, Eagle, Brown bear, Alligator, Horse, Shetland pony, Macaw, Pug, Turtle, Cat, Octopus and Dog.... Have fun!!! 

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