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How many sheep go in each pen ? 13th June 2017

Muddy Monday - Ordering sticks, writing on the shed, story maps and mud kitchen - all in one day ! 15th May 2017

Road Safety 12th May 2017

Can I switch it on? Learning to program... 9th May 2017

Muddy Monday - Exploring temperatures, climbing trees and muddy kitchen meals! 8th May 2017

Growth Mindest - Circusology 24th April 2017

How many children fit inside a ring of elephants? 4th April 2017

Muddy Monday 27th March 2017

Planting our jelly beans ... I wonder if they will grow? 24th March 2017

Red Nose Day Danceathon - Look for our video's too on the VRC button ! 24th March 2017

Don't forget to keep looking at our class video's too on the VRC button found on the home page. Recently added videos include acting out the Palm Sunday story, singing as we work and some rules we would make if we were King or Queen ... Thanks for looking smileysmileysmiley

Muddy Monday                     13th March 2017 

Beech class heard the story of the 3 little pigs and talked about the different materials the pigs used to build their houses. The children were then challenged to build a house for a little pig and then test it to see if the house was waterproof using watering cans. We then thought about which materials were the best for our little pigs.

We have also continued to observe the changing frog spawn which has now begun to turn into tadpoles. We will be keeping a close eye on them to watch their progress. 

Handwriting practice, and tricky and high frequency word writing 13th March 2017

Muddy Monday - Making bridges for the 3 Billy Goat's Gruff ... 6.3.2017

World Book Day dressing up and learning fun! 2nd March 2017

Storm Doris, holes in the ground and frogspawn!                    27th February 2017

When Beech class went outside on Muddy Monday this week they discovered that Storm Doris had been naughty in our nature area too! We found a blown over kitchen and fence and then discovered a hole in the ground. Some children thought that Storm Doris might have made this hole too, but we found out that it might have been made by a rabbit. 

When Willow class came out to join us we made fairy potions together, wrote a list of ingredients , named our potions and decided what magical powers they might have. Then we looked at the broken fence again and saw frogspawn which Mrs Mindham collected for us so we could have a really close look at it. It felt just like jelly and much lighter than we thought it would be. 

Our VIP guest...                   23rd February 2017 

We were busy practicing our new Talk for Writing story, the Gingerbread Man when we heard a voice asking if we had seen the fox...we turned around and saw we had a special visitor...The Gingerbread Man himself! We chased him around the playground pretending we were the fox, tried to eat him (although he didn't taste very good!) and then helped him to hide in our classroom until we had an urgent phone call from the office to say the real fox was on his way, so the gingerbread man had to run, run as fast as he could to escape! 

Muddy Monday                                           20th February 2017

Beech class noticed the changes happening with the change of season as soon as we walked into our Forest School area. They saw how the shoots from the flowers had grown whilst they had been away over half term and were very excited to see the snowdrops in bloom too!

We then turned story detectives and tried to find the clues to the story. We could work out what the traditional tale was...can you? 

Parents 'Road to Writing' Workshop.           8th February 2016


Beech class parents and grandparents visited the class today to find out more about how children learn to write and how they can be supported in a fun way at home. The children helped their parents and grandparents to fill a special writing pack to take home and use to help develop their child's opportunities for writing at home. 

Thank you so much to all who attended and for those who were unable to make it this time the information shown to parents is also on this page. smiley

Papa, please get the moon for me...    3rd February 2017

Beech class heard the story of how the little girl loved the moon so much she asked her Papa to get it for her. He used a ladder to try and reach the moon and so Beech class had a go at making ladders to reach the moon too! Lots of brilliant problem solving and mathematical language was used by all...

Exploring the artist Jackson Pollock using shaving foam, paint and glitter! 2nd February 2017

Muddy Monday                                30th January 2017 

This week Beech class found the toys had escaped from the classroom and had climbed the trees but got stuck! They needed our help to make ladders to help them get down again. The children showed that they could think of their own ideas of how to attach the string and sticks together as well as learning how to tie and lash the string to hold their creations together. 

Then later on Willow class joined us , we learnt lots of names of British Birds and found out about the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch. We thought about how we could attract birds to our gardens and made simple bird feeders. smiley

Don't forget to check the VCR playlist for Beech Classes videos of their learning. This week we have videos of gymnastics, nursery rhyme performances and tricky word musical chairs! Thanks for looking! laugh

Muddy Monday Animal Faces                    23rd January 2016 

The children were creative today by making their own animal faces using clay and natural resources to make the features. 


The story of creation story maps.             23rd January 2016

 Today the children have continued their learning and understanding of the story of creation from the Bible by creating story maps showing the sequence of the story. 

Busy week in Beech class ...                         20th January 2016 

This week in Beech class we have been very busy doing lots of learning in different ways. We have been wrapping winter sticks, making space shapes using sparkly doh, making space maps , writing space words, adding and designing and building dreamworlds and all this happened by Wednesday! 

More fabulous work took place on Thursday when we drew our dreams or bedrooms and talked about our pictures, and then on Friday we told out story Whatever Next , which you can see by clicking the VCR tab on the home page and finding Beech classes videos, practiced writing our tricky words, practiced our writing in lots of areas including outdoors and learnt about the story of creation through discovering Tom and Tessa's love for Jelly and Jellyfish! 

Time for a rest this weekend... more learning next week! indecision

Muddy Monday                    16th January 2017

Today Beech class looked closely at pictures of the Moon's surface. The children thought of words to describe what they could see and thought about what it would be like to walk on the moon like an astronaut. The children were then challenged to see if they could use mud to create their own 'moon sand', making craters and bumps using natural materials and resources. It was very interesting to watch the children explore the mud and create the different textures they had seen.

The children then spent some time exploring the Forest School area, especially enjoying the mud slide again, trying very hard to stay on their feet as they slipped, slid and slithered down the slide!

Our 'sleepy things'... 12th January 2017

Mud, Mud, Glorious Muddy Monday! 9th January 2017

Beech class Slumber Party !                                              6th January 2017

To provide Beech class with a memorable experience to begin their topic 'What happens when you fall asleep?', the children were invited to a slumber party and came to school ready for bed with their favourite toy and cosy pyjamas!

We played some fun slumber party games, ate popcorn, watched the sky at night through a VLT (Very Large Telescope) and then snuggled on our cushions for a space themed bed time story.

What a super slumber party ! smiley

Numicon maths - working together to match digits to amounts and make 5 in different ways. 6th January

Growth Mindset - How Beech class changed their mindset when putting on and fastening their coats... 5th January 2017

Mince pie making!                      15th December 2016

​Today the children have been finding out more about Mince Pies. We found out that originally they were shaped like a manger and instead of a pastry lid Christians would place a pastry baby Jesus on the top to celebrate the birth of God's special son at Christmas time. We had lots of floury fun , learning how to rub the flour and butter using our fingers, kneading and rolling the pastry and making baby Jesus for our mince pie mangers!

Christmas Selfie Fun - Beech class have been learning to take photographs using the IPads. 9th December 2016

Christmas themed learning in Beech Class... 6th December 2016

Muddy Monday - Exploring frosty footprints and searching for Santa's beard... 5th December 2016

This week in Beech class...                           30th November 2016

​...the children have begun learning about the story of the Nativity, learning about the birth of Jesus through a variety of experiences and discovery opportunities.

​More photographs available on the children-religious education page too!

​Tyre-tastic Muddy Monday!                   28th November 2016

​Today the children discovered the tyres in the nature area and enjoyed lots of different activities including swinging, building, rolling and imaginary play.

Tyres are a highly versatile, open-ended resource for children , providing opportunities for climbing, balancing and the extra challenge of moving the tyres around, and importantly they make a positive difference on our environment by re-using them.


​Puddle Jumping Exploration      21st November 2016


​Beech and Willow class couldn't wait to explore the murky puddles and became scientists as they tried lots of tests on their puddles to see the different effects caused by their movements. Piaget referred to this as sensorimotor - the earliest stage of intelligence- where children use their senses and motor actions to build a store of knowledge about our physical, natural world. The children's natural joy that comes with learning was hugely apparent and well worth our soggy socks and wet wellies!

​Muddy Monday                  21st November 2016


​Beech class have been reading Bear Snores On and learning the actions to support their oral storytelling. Today we met lots more bears who had trouble sleeping and needed beds for the winter. The children worked together to collect resources for their bear beds and designed and built their beds. They used lots of mathematical language to describe the beds they had made. Well done Beech class!

Armistice Day -                           11th November 2016

​To help the children understand Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday Beech Class watched a short animation about the effect World War I and II had on woodland animals. We talked about the importance of remembering and wearing the poppy.

​You can watch the clip again by clicking on the link below.


Write Dance 'Scrimbling' and movements in action. 9th November 2016

We are writers! 4th November 2016

Where do squirrels hide their nuts?                        4th November 2016

Beech class have begun their new term with a new topic. For our 'engage' experience we visited   Rosliston Forestry Centre and was met by Ruth who took us to the classroom where we could look at lots and lots of objects. She had a chat to us about staying safe at Rosliston then introduced our experience 'All about Autumn'. We learnt poems about Autumn, met some furry woodland friends, pretended to be squirrels hiding our nuts, explored the woods, made hedgehog nests, visited the bird hide, saw an unexpected owl, and then had to try and remember where we had hidden our nuts and go and find them again! What a lot of learning we did , all in just the morning! Phew!


Room on a broom day - 31st October 2016

​​Today the children listened to the story 'Room on a Broom' as part of their 'Muddy Monday'. Then they had lots of fun making broomsticks, magic potions and wizardly witchy wands! The children used their wands to turn Mrs Ganley and Mrs Handley into lots of different things including spiders, frogs and... a camel! cheeky

Beech and Willow Classes Family Nature Scavenger Hunt and Worship - 19th October 2016

Across the wobbly rope bridge... 17th October 2016

Muddy Monday Phonics - making phonemes using natural objects... 17th October 2016

Supertato needed Beech Classes help !                              14th October 2016

This week we read Supertato and learnt that he has to defeat the evil peas! We looked around our class and discovered the evil peas had been at it again!!! We found frozen carrots in the water tray which we helped to escape by smashing, lifting and dropping and stamping on the frozen blocks, we found vegetables tied up in toilet roll and trapped in a shopping basket and tied up veggies with parcel ribbon too! The children got to work straight away making posters, writing letters to the evil peas , making pea traps and making their own Supertato's to help keep watch for those evil peas.


Muddy Monday -Tree climbing 10th October 2016

Lots of learning...                      4th October 2016

Today Beech class learnt about the S grapheme and the phoneme sound it makes 'sss'. The children learnt the ditty 'slither down the snake' to help them remember how it looks. They had a go at writing lots of slithery snakes together.

Then we learnt all about the number 2 and rode our bikes with two wheels along with Rodd.

Super work Beech class !

Muddy Monday part 2 ... the caterpillar of the Pale Tussock Moth 3rd October 2016

Muddy Monday                          3rd October 2016

Today the children were thinking about the types of animals, birds and insects they thought might live in and around our nature area. We investigated the nature area and school field and found mole holes, a digger wasp's nest, complete with eggs in their hexagonal paper colonies and a very interesting looking caterpillar! We then made our own animals from clay and had a go at making them a home.


Painting with water - Zeroes and Ones 27th September 2016

Muddy Monday - Week 1                          26th September 2016

What a lot of fun we had today outdoors in the rain ! We played 123 where are you? finding great places

to hide, discovered a fairy house and fairy breath which we made into friendship bracelets , then built our own fairy houses and dens.

Later we read 'Superworm' and discovered that worms love the rain as much as we do. We even had time to explore the mud kitchen , making super soup and mud mixed cakes and pies !

All of our learning outdoors today has helped to stimulate our curiosity and provided lots of social experiences in order to help us learn to work together and listen to each others ideas.

Superhero cape investigation                                         23rd September 2016

Georgie the class mascot has had a busy week this week...not only did he meet his mascot hero but he has also transformed into 'Super Georgie' ! He liked the mask but was complaining his cape was too big and he kept tripping over it. He challenged the children to create their own capes for him to try and to then fly him around to see which material would make the best cape.

Can you spot which you thought Super Georgie liked best? frown


Super Georgie Super Capes 23rd September 2016

Thursday 22 October Georgie meets his hero! (and Mrs Ganley's)

Physical Fun! 20th September 2016


International Dot Day Celebrations        19th September 2016

Today the children have been busy celebrating International Dot Day by completing a range of dotty activities. They have been dotting paint , creating transient dotty patterns and pictures using glass beads, bottle tops and counters of different shapes and sizes and blowing huge dotty bubbles!

What a lot of places a dot can take us!


International Dot Day 19th September 2016

Roald Dahl Day 16th September 2016

Superheroes in Beech Class ! 9th September 2016

New 'Team Beech' members settling into their new class. 8th September 2016

Well done to all the new children who have joined Beech class this year. You have all been fantastic at coming into school and getting to know the daily morning routines. It has been lovely to see so many smiley faces coming into school each morning.

Keep it up!


Welcome to Beech Class ! 7th September 2016

Parents meeting from Summer 2016 ppt FYI. 7th September 2016

Dragon hunt detectives...                      26th July 2016


Georgie the dragon was reported missing by Mrs Ganley at approx. 3.15pm yesterday afternoon. After a very restless nights sleep the Beech class detectives were called in to hunt for clues. The main suspects were all watched carefully and their rooms searched thoroughly by the children. Georgie was eventually found after a tip off by Mrs Naughty( the accessory to the crime). We then interrogated the main suspect who eventually, after some difficult searching questions from the police, confessed. She was given a suitable punishment. Georgie is now safe and well under the care of Mrs Ganley. It is reported they are going away for a few weeks to recover from this ordeal!

CONGRATULATIONS!              21st July 2016

All the children received their 'Outdoor Learning' certificates today for their great attitudes, eagerness and enjoyment through our Wet and Wild Wednesday sessions.

Well done Beech class! smiley

Using our feet...                   20th July 2016

For our final Wet and Wild Wednesday of the school year, Beech class have been classifying, counting, recording and adding to find out how many items they could fit inside their footprint. The children measured natural objects they found on the school field and then compared how many they found with those in the nature area. When we talked about the children's findings the children had a variety of ideas when asked which footprint they thought held the most.

Slip. Slap, Slop! Beech class sun safety... 19th July 2016

It's good to keep on trying...                             13th July 2016

Beech class have been thinking about their first year at school , looking back at their learning journeys and talking about all the learning they have done this year. They listened to the story of Jericho's wall and talked about how God told the people to keep on marching around the wall and as they persevered the wall eventually fell down just as God had told them.

The children then thought of what they wanted to persevere at doing to help them get better. What a lot of great ideas they had ...

Outdoor phonics fun ! 23rd June 2016

Following a trail...                       22nd June 2016

Today Beech class discovered a trail of arrows through the nature area. We followed the paper arrows and then discovered more made from twigs which led us onto the school field and into a bush!

On the bush we found a letter from Georgie who set us a challenge to find as many phonemes as we could hidden around the nature area. We went off with our clipboards and found lots of digraphs and trigraphs and then had a go at thinking of words using those sounds.

We had a competition too to see who could think of and write the most words correctly.

Well done Tom L!

Oh no! ...lots of spots... 18th June 2016

Georgie's feeling poorly... 17th June 2106

It's not a stick its a ...               15th June 2016

After our sticky maths we played a game, its not a stick its a...

We had some fantastic, imaginative ideas, here are a few ...

Ellie -

Chloe - ...dinosaur.

Owen - ...tree

Mason - ...microphone.

Marat- ...crocodile.

Ezme-...magic wand.



Tom L-... wand.

Mrs Ganley -... telephone


Sticky Maths     15th June 2016

Today's very Wet and Wild Wednesday was a challenge as we waded through the water in the nature area in the search for sticks for our 'sticky maths'. We began by ordering our sticks together by size, then counted how many beats Mrs Ganley had tapped on her sticks and copied them. We collected more sticks and made shapes and then we were challenged to make as many triangles together as we could.

Percussion Hunt 10th June 2016

25th May 2016 - Beech class collective worship

25th May 2016 - Our special visitor

25th May 2016 - Building a bug hotel.

25th May 2016 - A very busy day in Beech class.

Today we built our very own Bug Hotel, we found lots of bug friendly hay, soil, grass, sticks, branches and pine cones and added them to our pallets in the nature area. We will be keeping a close eye on the hotel for it's first guests to check in!

Then we had a special visitor...Mrs Lakin came to see us with her baby boy Finley, we asked her lots of questions about him and told her all we had been learning about.   

We then ended our day with our class worship, thank you to all of our parents, relatives and grandparents who came and watched us talk about our learning this term.  smiley

23rd May 2016 Pizza making and Luigi's selfie!

23rd May 2016 - Pitta bread pizza

Luigi came back to Beech class today to ask the children to help him with making a herby pizza. He showed the children all the ingredients he had got in his bag but said he had no idea what to do. Luigi asked the children to write him some instructions so he could follow them...

Beech class decided to have a go at making them themselves first and then wrote their own recipes using the ingredients they had used.


Painting in the style of Van Gogh using paint, flour and pva glue. 18th May 2016

BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ  !!!!                       18th May 2016.

This week we are finding out lots about Bees, we have learnt the Sleepy Bumblebee story , found out how bees collect pollen using cheesy Wotsits (other brands of cheesy snacks are available!) and investigated our nature area to find out if it is bee friendly...the children gave it a thumbs upnono for having lots of different colours of flowers, lots of bee friendly flowers and we counted around 14 different types of bee friendly flowers too ! ​ ​

Bee scene investigation 18th May 2016

The Tiny Seed sensory boxes 12th May 2016

The Tiny Seed                                                                                                            12th May 2016            This week Miss Langford, our B-ED student from Derby University, taught us Literacy. She read us the story 'The Tiny Seed' and gave us boxes filled with different sensory objects. We worked together to work out which season the boxes could be from and wrote about our favourite part of the story using 'because' to explain why.
This week in Beech Class...                                              6th May 2016

We have been looking at the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, learning about seeds and naming the parts of a plant. In our writing we have been imagining what other seeds Jack might have found and what they could have grown into. We listened to music and imagined what we would find if we climbed the beanstalk instead of Jack!

On 'Wet and Wild Wednesday' we firstly went on a seed hunt, discovering how why seeds are important.Then we thought about the places a giant might live instead of a castle and had a go at building dens in the nature area... 


We also had fun being scientists and dissecting plants and flowers to discover and name the different parts. We then had a go at putting them back together again!

Seed Hunting and Den Building 4th May 2016

Dissecting plants and flowers and naming the different parts. 5th May 2016

PE with Miss Brickley from Granville School - Olympic Jumping Games 26th April 2016

Following instructions to make cress heads. 25th April 2016

Planting seeds and discovering Darwin through doodling!                                                20th April 2016


Today we planted lots of different seeds including different herbs, such as basil, rocket and chives for our herb wall garden and we also planted sunflowers so we can see how tall they grow.

Then we went on a Darwin's Doodle Walk looking for different flowers and plants, we found dandelions, daisies , daffodils and ferns. We collected some samples to take back to class and drew doodles of some of them too.


Georgie the Beech class mascot and a special visit to worship! 19th April 2016

Gardening Centre role play fun ! 19th April 2016

Learning about our chicks.                   18th April 2016

This week we have been learning more about the chicks. We have been looking closely at the chicks, handling them carefully and talking about their features. It was great fun watching the chicks on the tough spot as they hopped, flapped and pooed! We then labelled pictures of a chick using our phonic knowledge to help us spell words such as wings, beak, tail and claws.

This term Beech and Willow class are beginning their new topic 'The Scented Garden'. To engage the children in their new topic we all went on a visit to Plantasia and Maze World , where the children got to explore the Plantasia exhibits, learn about different herbs, trees and plants by touch and smell and find their way in and out of the 6 different themed mazes. We had a great day and enjoyed a picnic style lunch too!
Chick update ...                      14th April 2016

Our first two chicks, which the children named Bob and Fluffy, have now dried out and have been moved to their temporary new home in the brooder box.  This morning we had three more new arrivals who are taking their first steps around the incubator.

And then there were two... 13th April 2016

Maypole dancing fun ! 13th April 2016

Raising Chicks                        12th April 2016


Today we have had a new arrival of some eggs and an incubator from The children were very eggs-cited to see the eggs start their life cycle of pipping the eggs and then beginning to hatch. Keep checking back for updates !

Beech Class Collective Worship - Respect 18th March 2016

Beech class collective worship - 'The Special Guest' - James 2.1-8                18th March 2016

Beech class presented their own collective worship on the whole school value of Respect. They told the story of Sid and how he treated the poor man and rich man differently, treating only one with respect. The children shared the message that 'Everyone is Important'.

Well done Beech Class you were brilliant! and a huge thank you to all the parents who came to support their children.

Sun and cloud suncatchers 16th March 2016

If you go down to the woods today....                              16th March 2016

Today Beech class went to find the soft toys that had disappeared from the classroom overnight. Luckily they found them all , but the toys complained of not having slept very well so the children were asked to make them each a bed.

The children used lots of different mathematical language and reasoning skills to talk about the different sizes of beds they had made and how they had decided to chose the sticks, logs, stones and branches they had. The children then all measured the beds length and width using cubes.

The toys agreed the beds were the most comfortable they had ever been on !!surprise

Look who enjoyed reading morning today... 11th March 2016

The Story of Ruth                                                               10th March 2016

Today we had our special story time with Barry the Badger and his favourite book - The Bible. Barry told us another of his favourite stories from the Bible about Ruth and why it's good to remember that everyone is important. The children had to work in groups to gather in the coloured corn, just like Ruth did for Naomi, and then try and see if they could arrange the letters spelt out on the corn to spell a very special word. Can you see which special word they discovered?


Rainy day writing                                          9th March 2016

After our rainy day worm hunt we talked about all the different shaped and sized worms we had found in the nature area. The children were then invited to write about what they had found and describe their worm or where it was found.

Here are the fantastic pieces of work they worked hard to produce.


Design to Delight 8th March 2016

When Giuseppe and Luigi came to Beech Class... 8th March 2016

Giuseppe and Luigi came to Beech class to ask for their help. Giuseppe had been shopping for the ingredients for the two cakes they were going to bake but had mixed up the ingredients! Giuseppe wanted to make a big cake and Luigi wanted to make a small cake so the children were asked to help sort the ingredients to help the two chefs out of their muddle!

Thanks to the children's brilliant maths measuring skills they were able to help find out which ingredients were heaviest for the big cake and which were the lightest for the small cake.



 â€‹World Book Day            3rd March 2016

The children all looked fabulous in their World Book Day costumes today!

See if you can tell which book character the children are dressed as.      

Drip, drop, drip.... Wet , Wet , Wet Wednesday!                          2nd March 2016


This week we have been exploring what happens when it rains and took part in lots of fun activities to try on a rainy day (even though it didn't rain as heavily as we expected and had to use watering cans to make our own rain!).


We firstly used powder paint to create puddle pictures and had great fun throwing the powder into the puddles and then pressing our paper into the puddle, we ended up with a fabulous art gallery of amazing pictures.

Next we listened to the sound of the 'rain' by holding plastic lids above our heads and describing the sounds we could hear. Afterwards we watched as the raindrops had races down the plastic.

We also sang Nursery Rhymes 'Doctor Foster', ' Rain, rain go away' and ' It's raining , it's pouring' whilst hiding together under a tarpaulin. Then we had a competition to see who could keep their piece of paper the driest, there were some very ingenious ideas and Zane was the winner, hiding his under a table!

Finally we made a small puddle even bigger and chose how we would move from one side to the other...we chose jumping as our favourite... see if you can spot who was standing a bit too close!!!!.surprise






What sound does the rain make?

It's raining, it's pouring...

Competition time ! Who could keep their paper the driest?

How to travel from one side of a puddle to the other...

Splendid Skies - Natures Treasures Walk             24th February 2016


​This week we have begun our new topic 'Splendid Skies' and we went on a 'Natures Treasures Walk' around the school grounds to discover different signs of the seasons. We took pictures of what we had found using the ipads and there were some fantastic photographs such as frosty grass, mole holes and budding leaves and flowers.



​Safer Internet Day                   9th February 2016

As part of 'Safer Internet' Day the children talked about their home uses of the internet including using laptop's, tablets and game consoles. The children read the story of Smartie the Penguin and learnt Smartie's song to help us make sensible choices on the internet.
Remember " Before you click, click, click, you need to think, think, think and TELL someone!.
Parents can find out more about Smartie the Penguin on the link below.
The children drew pictures of their favourite activities on the internet, here are just a few.




Who will help me plant the grain? ...                                 9th February 2016

Today we had a visit to school by Grace from Packington Farm and Doris the chicken. We found out what Doris eats, why she has feathers and all about the Little Red Hen story. We had a chance to feel the grain that the Little Red Hen plants, see how it is harvested and even how it is grinded into flour.

Can you tell the story at home using the actions?


Chinese New Year Celebrations                                       8th February 2016

This week Beech class are beginning to find out more about the traditions associated with Chinese New Year. We have been making our own Chinese drums, dragon masks, fans and lanterns. Some of the children had a go at copying Chinese writing too!

This afternoon the children were very lucky to be taught how to dance in a Chinese style and performed a dragon dance with a very colourful dragons head costume.






​Exploring art through sculptures.                                     3rd February 2016

We have been using lots of different media during art this term and today we learnt all about sculptures. We talked about local sculptures we might have seen in Swadlincote and then had a go at sculpting a 'bouncy' animal from plastercine.



 â€‹Rosie's Walk                                                                3rd February 2016

This week in Maths we are learning about positions, directions and movement. We read Rosie's Walk and then acted it out together in the outdoor areas.



Poetry.                    2nd February 2016


This week in English we are discovering all about Poetry. The year 1's have been practicing reciting poetry aloud , working on their performance methods. We read lots of poems about worms and the children then practised reciting 'Nobody Likes Me'. What fabulous performers they were! 

Sam's recital of poetry

Still image for this video

Emily's recital of poetry

Still image for this video

Huff and Puff painting                                       27th January 2016

 We huffed and puffed just like the Big Bad Wolf to create some amazing blow-painting pictures. Why not come in and have a look at the children's amazing work.


Wet, Wild and very, very, very muddy...                      27th January 2016

 We explored how the wind today affected how far we could kick a ball, the bouncy balls were going in lots of different directions and then we found a muddy puddle. The children were very excited by this and we allowed the children to lead their learning by exploring the muddy puddle further. We found out that the more we jumped up and down in it, the bigger and muddier it got! The children used lots of language to describe how the muddy puddle felt and looked. Then we had to wash our wellies in a welly wash...






​Three Little Pigs.                                      25th January 2016

This week we have been exploring another traditional tale 'The 3 Little Pigs' , we have explored the story in different ways including thinking of different materials we might use to build a house if we were a little pig. There were lots of interesting ideas such as pens, chairs and even teddy bears! We have also been proudly showing off our work around the story including colouring pictures, making houses and writing about the story.​We have really enjoyed pretending to be builders like the little pigs too!



Wet and Wild Maths                       20th January 2016
We took our learning outdoors , along with our new Numicon resources and used the numicon tiles tiles to count, find out who had more and less holes in their tiles and problem solve by trying to work out which tile we would need to add to our tiles to make a larger amount. mail 
Then we looked at how we could find out half of an amount using the bucket balance scales. We poured bird seed , rice and beans into our scales , talked about heavier, heaviest, light, lighter and lightest and then tried to work out how we could make the scales balance by finding half.
Can you find half of a large empty bottle and some water at home?





​Going wet and wild with our wellies!                      20th January 2016

This week on our 'Wet and Wild' Wednesday we have been counting in two's using our welly prints to bounce along and make our own 2's number line.
Can you count in 2's forwards and backwards starting at any even number ?



Physical Development                             18th January 2016

As part of our 'bounce' topic we have been finding out how we can move our bodies in different bouncy ways. We went outdoors and jumped as high as we could using chalk to mark where we could reach, had jumping races together and learnt to use the skipping ropes.







Numicon Number Fun !                   18th January 2016


This week we have begun to explore and learn all about number using our fantastic new numicon resources. We have been counting using a numicon circle , seeing if we can fill our boards with numicon tiles and playing guess the tile using the feely bag. Keep looking for pictures of more numicon fun!​




Georgie having a break!!

​Frog Facts.                                                             14th January 2016
This week as part of our topic 'Bounce' we have been looking at a very bouncy animal - the frog. We discovered all about it's life cycle and why we don't see frogs in winter. We used the laptops to order the life cycle of  a frog and then using the keyboard had a go at labelling each picture.



I wish...                                                         13th January 2016

​Wet and Wild this week saw the children finding out about our class name, 'Beech'. We found out that all the classes in school are named after tree and a beech tree is known as the 'tree of wishes'.

We thought of our own wishes and then tied them to a fallen branch so the fairies could collect them and give them to the fairy queen to consider.
Did your wish come true ?



​Creatively Caring for the birds.                            12th January 2016.

This week we have been thinking about how we can care for birds and animals during the winter. We reminded ourselves of the Creation Story and how Christians believe that God made man and woman to care for the animals and birds.  Then we made bird feeders to look after the birds in our gardens.
 â€‹Which birds have you seen eating your bird food?
Why not draw a picture of any you see?



In the beginning...                                                 5th January 2016


This week in Beech Class we have been looking at the Story of Creation. We used the ipads to read along the story together using the 'Bible app for kids', we loved making the animals move and turn the darkness into light. We then used what we had learnt to make a picture showing the things God created on his 'busy' days.   Have a look at our fantastic creative, creations and see if you can spot your own picture!








Christmas production - Prickly Hay                             17th December 2015

The children from Beech and Willow have worked so hard at learning the songs, actions and lines.

You are all stars! A huge well done from everyone!no xx

Prickly Hay - Beech, Willow, and the "grown-up" children too!

Dotty Maths!                                             15th December 2015


This week we have been looking at how big numbers are. We used a pen to dot as many times as we could in 1 minute and then had a go at counting them. We had some very interesting numbers to 100 and even 1000!

Why not see how many times you can dot in 10, 20 and then 30 seconds and see how many more you count each time...surprise

Experience Christmas At St Peters Church Hartshorne          11th December 2015

Derby Open Centre visit -                                                                          9th December 2015


Beech class discovered more about Diwali and how Hindu's celebrate, we found out that it is a 5 day celebration and all about the rituals Hindu's have during their puja worship. 


Christmas is a busy time in Beech class...       7th December 2015


This week we have begun to help Father Christmas get ready for his big day. We have been helping his elves to wrap the presents, write the children's names on the 'nice' list and write a list of the gifts he has in his stocking. We have been using our measuring skills to help us cut the correct amount of wrapping paper and writing labels for the presents to make sure they go to the correct places. We have also been making paper chains to decorate Father Christmas's cottage and our classroom. 

Outside we have been discovering 'Christmas' graphemes hidden in the tray.

What's the time Mr Wolf?   2nd December 2015

This week we have been looking at 'Time' in different ways. Reception children described a long journey they had been on, whilst the Year 1 children began to tell the time to the hour using clocks. 

All the children then learnt to play the game 'What's the time Mr Wolf?' and had a great time learning how to take the same amount of steps as the o'clock time given by the wolf.



Traditional Tales 24th November 2015


This week we have continued to look at other traditional tales including Cinderella and The Gingerbread Man. We made our own gingerbread men and acted out Cinderella's story using the small world. 

The Enormous Turnip - 20th November 2015.

This week Beech class have begun looking at traditional tales. We have been looking at different versions of the story and seeing if we can explain to each other the differences we have spotted. 

We have also been acting out the story using story masks and props. 

Can you tell which part of the story we are acting out? 

Dressing up for Children in Need - 13th November 2015. 

Discovering prayer spaces with the Swadlincote Assembly Team, Diane, Kevin, Kate and Megan. Tuesday 10 November 2015

Making coconut barfi/burfi. 

Preparing for Diwali. 9 November 2015


Beech class have begun to look at preparations for the festival of Diwali. We learnt that Rangoli patterns are used to decorate the outside of houses , so we decided to decorate around the school using rangoli templates and chalk. 

Physical Development in Beech Class.


This week we have begun to squiggle and wiggle during our PE sessions as part of the Write Dance program, supporting both large gross motor movements important for shoulder and core strength and fine motor skills to support writing through hand and wrist movement.


We really enjoyed using ribbons to create a Volcano dance and then drawing our own spewing, erupting volcanoes too.


We will be making a display of the children's creations in Beech class soon, why not come along on one of our Reading Mornings and have a look! 

Welcome back ! 

This week the children have begun their new topic of Festivals and Celebrations.

We have begun by looking at Bonfire Night and during Wet and Wild Wednesday we made our own Guy Fawkes and pretend bonfire to help the children learn about fire safety.

Sshhh! Don't tell ... but we borrowed Mr Ganley's sun hat for our Guy too!surprise

As some of the children are still only just 4 years old we were unable to have real sparklers around our fire , but we improvised and made our own from tin foil and small dowling rods.

Here are some pictures of the children working together...more to follow soon! 


Black History Week- African Mask making and dancing activities. 

Wet, Wet, Wet!


We had our fingers crossed that we could finally explore the puddles today and have a splashing time for our Wet and Wild Wednesday, but it stopped raining and the puddles dried up too quickly. wink

Mrs Ganley had to improvise and make some puddles for us as we explored a range of movements using paintbrushes in one hand and then both hands to support our developing physical motor skills.surprise


We finished our fun by having a jumping session in the puddle!

Look at the fun we had!


Beech Class Collective Worship.


A huge thank -you to the parents who came to our collective worship on Tuesday. 

For those of you who couldn't make it , here are some photos of the children showing off their learning for this term's topic of 'Memory Box'.


New Starters Photo!

Wet and Wild Wednesday!


This week was our first Wet and Wild Wednesday of the new school year. 

We had lots of fun exploring our nature area, climbing trees, playing in the mud kitchen 

and we even pretended to make a camp fire.

We then thought about 'Autumn' and drew a picture of what we thought about it. There were

some fabulous pictures of trees, leaves and even a sleeping spider!


Beech and Willow's Teddy Bears' Picnic!

What lovely weather we had today for Beech and Willow classes Teddy Bear's picnic!

We had fun creating a special memory together for our Memory Box topic. 

All the children and the teachers brought their teddy bears , even Georgie the Beech class mascot and Mrs Layhe-Humphreys' teddy came and joined our fun!

Welcome to our new members of Beech Class. 


International Mud day 29 June 2015
We've had 8 8 7 9 1 visitors