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Making Stickpersons

Dinosaur Papier Mache Eggs

Dinosaur skeleton pictures




Fruity Faces

Land Ahoy Homework February 2018

Land Ahoy Learning February 2018

Land Ahoy Boat Race February 2018

Willow Family Collective Worship 13.2.18

Guy Fawkes - ask us to retell this moment in history

SPARKLERS - lead to learning about Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes

Fundamentals - a different way to be active

Bouncing Balls - 5.10.2017


They all bounced in different ways, some hardly bounce at all!. We compared the height of the bounce with another ball. We went onto the grass and found the bounce nearly disappeared completely.

PE - we love our team games, running like rhino's or jumping like kangaroos

Teen numbers..... outdoor learning

Friday 15th September NSPCC


Today we had a visitor from the NSPCC. She told us lots about what she does and how it helps children like us. She talked about every child having the right to stay safe and speak out. We found out that there are many trusted adults we can talk to and that it is important to talk if we ever feel worried.


We discussed the "pant rule" too. 

7.9.2017 Friendships sealed with a beautifully crafted bracelet.

6.9.2017 - working together on the class charter. What we expect our class to be like!

We've had 8 9 3 4 3 visitors