Your Teacher is Mrs Saville and your Teaching Assistants are Miss Walker and Mrs Glynn.
Willow's Classroom and Cloakroom
Our PE day is every Tuesdays so please come in your PE kits.
PE kits should be white t-shirt, black or blue shorts or long bottoms and black trainers or PE pumps.
Our Forest School day is Thursdays so please wear your school uniform and bring your forest school clothes and waterproofs in a bag. Don't forget your wellies!
Forest School clothes should be covering the arms and legs as there are stinging nettles and other things in the forest school area that could hurt.
Reading books will be changed every Friday so please make sure you bring your reading book and diary on this day.
Autumn Term Topic
Our topic this term is Marvellous Me!
This half term, we will be learning about the names of the different parts of the human body as well as how we should be looking after ourselves by exercising and eating healthily. We will also compare how our grandparent's childhood was different to our own childhood today.
Our RE topic is God. We will be looking at different stories from the Bible and how Christians worship God.
Year 1 Phonics
Times Tables
Everything Willow class do in Forest school can be seen on the forest schools page. Below is the link to the page.