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Cultural Capital

26.6.2024 - Oak playing with the Halle

30.4.2024 Dodgeball County Finals


A fantastic well done to Hartshorne Dodgeball Team for coming third in the County Finals!


We are so proud of you!!

30.04.24 More skipping workshops this week to show off our skills we have been practicing at home and in school and to practice new skipping skills too!

26.04.24 Beech and Willow loved their music session today, joining in with actions, rhymes and songs and even having the chance to conduct the musicians too.

25.1.2024 - RISE theatre group visited bringing ideas about Creation, linked to our Vision, and the children were part of their interactive production about nurturing our planet.

Beech class had a visitor... a vet nurse and her furry friend

15.12.2023 - KS2 singing at St Peter's Church

6.12.2023 - Oak jarred the honey, made the labels and it's nearly ready for sale!

5.12.2023 - Oak's little violin concert was a great success and well attended by parents - see the VRC for more

Still image for this video

Barney the Toothbrush Monster visited Beech class to teach them about brushing their teeth.

1.12.23 Pine & Oak: The Snowman Tour

29.11.2023 - Oak class were extracting the honey with support from Dave the Bee Farmer. Such a good experience. Watch for the honey going on sale soon.


Year 5 and 6 took part in a dodgeball competition. The children were incredibly behaved and loved playing against different schools. Well done to both teams for taking part!

14.11.2023 Year 3/4 participated in a basketball competition at the leisure centre.

14.11.2023 KS2 were part of a Fundamental British Values and Protected Characteristics live Webinar from Picture News.

Remembrance webinar 10.11.2023 - so important for the children to see and to experience.

Hartshorne scarecrow competition - 8th 15th October. We are getting ready to display our scarecrows ready for the village competition. Have a good walk around and make sure you vote. A big thank you to the Burchell family for providing the straw, our scarecrows would be flat without it!!

We've had 8 9 3 4 3 visitors