Hartshorne CofE Primary School
Welcome to Wonderful Willow Class!
Come and see how we learn...
14.07.23 Exploring high and low pitch using glockenspiels.
06.07.23 Virtual Phonics Event with MC Grammar!
30.06.23 Bobby the therapy dog visit to Willow class!
28.06.23 In celebration of RSE day this week we have been 'Launching into Kindness' by thinking about kindness we see around the school. Our rainbow challenges this week are all about looking for, identifying and understanding what kindness looks like and ways we can all be more kind.
21.06.23 Music - This week we have been exploring high and low pitch using chime bars.
21.06.23 Today we have been thinking about forgiveness. peace and friendship in RE. The children drew images of people who needed to be forgiven, explored how saying sorry made them feel and why it was important to forgive. They then worked together to create mobiles showing forgiveness, friendship and peace and linked these Christian qualities together.
08.06.23 Cultural Capital - Transitions
24.05.23 The children had an amazing morning practising their catching, hitting, teamwork, throwing and resilience skills through working with Lara from Allstars cricket.
12.05.23 This week in Science we have been looking closely at how waves are formed by the weather, we created our own models of the ocean and explored how we could create calm and stormy oceans.
04.05.23 Click on the link above to discover how we looked closely at invertebrates in Forest School this week.
18.04.23 In PSHE this week we are learning about "who keeps us safe?" the children had lots of brilliant contributions to our class discussions and then created their own finger puppets to show their understanding.
18.04.23 In our continuous provision learning this week we are developing our skills in observational drawing, collaborating to complete a bible story jigsaw and labelling maps of the UK. We are also practising our skills in writing using our vocabulary ninja word of the day, writing numbers in numerals and words and using the part whole model to practice our calculation skills too.
29.03.23 This week in English we have been finding out about different animal themed poems. We have been looking closely at the structure of poems, enjoying hearing poems and have been performing poems too. Today we learnt the poem 'Here a bear, there a bear' in groups and performed to the rest of the class.
20.03.23 Today we explored mark making in art using music as a stimulus. We used different tools and heard music including the 1812 overture, Ravel's Bolero, Jai -ho! and Bronski Beat's Smalltown Boy and used this to inspire our artistic movements.
17.03.22 This week we have been labelling the 7 continents of the world, using atlases to help us name and locate each continent.
13.03.23 It was so lovely to see you all at our parents meetings last week. Here are a selection of maths missing number problems and word problems to support your child at home, following our discussions on Wednesday.
07.03.23 Today we had a special visit from Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service. The children will be bringing home a letter to tell you all about what they have learnt and you can check with them too. They found out about the 7 most common causes of fire at home, Dexter the fire safety dog, the use of fireguards to protect open fires, how plugs can be overloaded, STOP-DROP-ROLL to put out a fire on ourselves and ... TEST IT TUESDAY!
28.02.23 Talk for Writing - The children have begun to learn the story 'The Elephant and the Bad Baby and worked together to take on roles as the characters to help internalise the text.
17.02.23 To complete our history topic on Robert Falcon Scott the children created memorials to show why he should be remembered today for his bravery and achievement of being the first British explorer to reach the South Pole.
16.02.23 This week we have been working hard on identifying real and nonsense words, practising our spelling and building mosques.
09.02.23 Photos of Willow class using loppers in Forest School available to view on the link above.
10.02.23 This weeks rainbow challenges have included reading sentences and using conjunctions to join clauses, solving subtraction calculations using buttons, tweezers and ten frames and looking carefully at photographs of icebergs and Antarctica to create observational drawings using cool colours. We have also been conducting interviews with our friends for Safer Internet Day and finding out about their online uses.
07.02.23 This term we have begun to explore dance through our Real PE dance sessions. Today we explored abstract artistry, using a scarf to explore the shapes and movement it creates as it falls.
03.02.23 This week we have begun to learn the story of Beegu in our Talk for Writing lessons. We acted out scenes from the story where Beegu is trying to communicate.
03.02.23 One of our rainbow challenges for this week was very popular! The children enjoyed building places of worship using lego. They were encouraged to name the special features of their constructions too, such as lectern, altar and font in a church.
27.01.22 Willow class have been learning all about Captain Scott and discovering his courageous journey in Antarctica to the South Pole. They worked together to sort facts about him into the most important reasons why we still remember him today.
26.01.22 We have been discovering the best conditions for growth indoors, last week we made beans in a bag and placed them in different areas around the classroom indoors and outdoors and are monitoring them regularly. This week we have made cress heads which we hope will grow much quicker than our beans, we are keeping a cress head growth diary too to record what happens.
Parents Sounds Write Meeting - Here are a selection of activities modelled during the session plus the units covered, the statutory spelling list for year 1 and 2 and a silly sentence game too.
- Phonics-Sounds-Write-Overview-of-Units for parents.pdf
- Word building for parents.pdf
- Seek the sound for parents.pdf
- Silly sentence for parents.pdf
- t-l-5086-new-curriculum-spellings-for-year-1-and-2-_ver_4.pdf
Willow Parents' Phonics meeting 25th January
15.12.22 Today Willow class accompanied Beech class to St Peters Church to 'Experience Christmas'. They discovered all about Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem, how the shepherds must have felt huddling around their fire when the angels appeared to them and considered what life was like for Mary before she had a visit from the Angel Gabriel and so much more.
14.12.22 Today we had a special visitor in school, the fabulous poet Attie Lime who shared lots of fun Christmas poems with us. We thought of some Christmas words, wrote a list and created our own poems too!
2.12.2022 - In Science today we learnt about what an animal needs to survive. We used some fact sheets and our background knowledge to create a fact file on what a budgerigar needs to survive.
30.11.22 In our art lesson this week the children have been exploring additive printing. The children created their own foam printing plates and used these to create ink printing artworks.
EEF 7 Top Tips to support reading at home
Spelling Zappers - Every morning the children practice their spellings with each other before being 'zapped!' by the teacher when they can successfully spell the words independently. The children learn the words through practice. If you would like to find out more about the words your child is learning in class see the following information. Once the children have completed their year group spellings and apply these consistently in their writing they then practice the next set of spellings.
With a big focus on writing and Maths this year for Year 2s, a list of expected targets for the children to work to achieve in preparation for the SATs in May will be sent home this week.
To help you understand what the SATs papers will look like, please see below links to last year's 2022 papers:
Maths paper 1 and 2 with script- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/key-stage-1-tests-2022-mathematics-test-materials
English paper 1 with script and paper 2- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/key-stage-1-tests-2022-english-reading-test-materials
Reading paper 1 and 2 with script- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/key-stage-1-tests-2022-english-grammar-punctuation-and-spelling-test-materials
11.10.22 This week the children have been working hard to complete their rainbow challenges, including creating a Mosque using construction and finding the total scored using 2 or 3 darts!
30.9.2022 Today, instead of our normal Maths lesson, we had a Maths carousel to practice all our learning from the term so far. We had a station where we could practice counting forward and back to 10 or to 20, we had another station where we could practice separating numbers into tens and ones. Everyone enjoyed revising and working together.
28.09.22 After our RE lesson today some children were inspired to build their own mosque, working together to share their design ideas, super work Willow!
23.09.22 Today we were visited by Toby's Granddad to talk to us about his old toy train. We had a chance to hold the train and ask Toby's Granddad questions about what toys were like when he was the same age. We learnt that toys were made from wood or tin and that children didn't have as many toys when he was our age. We're looking forward to being COOL (Continuing On with Our Learning) next week, Toby's Granddad has kindly left his toy train with us until Friday.
22.09.22 You can view our learning in Forest School this week by clicking on the link below...
This week in Willow class Miss Bashir spent some time with the children to help them find out more about the Muslim faith, they thought of lots of brilliant questions, you can find the pictures on the Religious Education page, click the link below.
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15.09.22 Today we were inspired by the work of the artist Molly Hasland who creates artwork using a compass and her whole body. We explored using our bodies and emotions to make circles and spirals using different media and materials
13.09.2022 This afternoon, we had our first computing lesson. We learnt what algorithm means and followed a set of instructions to create a crazy character. When we finished following the instructions (algorithm), we noticed that everyone had drawn something different. We quickly realised that when we create instructions they need to be clear.
07.09.22 Today we welcomed our new Year 1's to Willow class and were so impressed with how they made new friendships, explored the classroom and began their journey in KS1 with our great Year 2 children! The children learnt how to "Be COOL" - "Continue On Our Learning" through the continuous provision indoors and outdoors.