Hartshorne CofE Primary School
Welcome to Wonderful Willow
Come and see how we learn!
Gymnastics workshop.
19.04.24 This week in Science we have been exploring the suitability of different materials to build a house for the three little pigs. We begun by planning and thinking carefully about the walls and which materials would be windproof. We then constructed the walls and tested them. After that we planned the roof for the house which needed to be waterproof, the children had to ensure their roof also had a slant to allow the water to run off. These were then tested too.
19.03.24 Today we had a visit from the happiness queen Shonette Bason-Wood , we worked our finger muscles in dough disco and heard a story, then we ended the session with a huge, happy "Sh-bang!"
07.03.24 Today Willow class had a visit from Kate a community fire safety officer from Swadlincote Fire Station. Ask your child what they learnt today about overloaded sockets, smoke alarms, Dexter the Dog, fireguards and fire plans.
29.02.24 Use the Forest School link to find out what we have been doing outdoors today!
15.02.24 Skipping Workshop
14.02.24 RE - Today we have been exploring the excitement of The Story of Creation through watercolour artwork. We looked at the artworks by Jackie Olenick, Caroline Street and Judy Racz who were also inspired by the Story of creation.
13.02.24 Tutbury Castle Trip! Ask your child/ren what they learnt today on our rainy trip to Tutbury...
01.02.24 Check out our Forest School session photographs from today on the link below!
25.01.24 Cultural Capital - Today we had the brilliant RISE theatre group visit us, who are a Christian drama workshop group, who took the children on an interactive journey whilst learning about the beauty of God's creation and how we can care for our planet and environment too!
19.01.24 In our art lesson this week we have been discovering how artists are collectors , such as the amazing Andy Goldsworthy and Richard Long, we collected and used our own natural materials to create our own inspirational artwork.
12.01.24 This week we have begun to learn the story of Jack and the beanstalk. We used drama to act out the story, orally retelling the events and taking on roles of the different characters.
17.12.23 In computing this week we have been learning how to be digital photographers, finding out how to take a good photo, apply effects and discover if photographs are better in landscape or portrait format. We have also explored how we can review our photos and retake them to improve the composition.
05/12/23 Today we had a visit during PE from Jim Jenkinson who led a Real Dance lesson, the children practised making solo shapes and then worked with partners to create a sequence of movement.
22.11.23 This week in RE we have been exploring why the celebration of Christmas is so important to Christians, in our RE rainbow challenge we have also be creating scenes from the nativity story using lego and playmobil.
20.11.22 In our science we are exploring our senses, we have been tasing different foods and describing how they feel on our taste buds.
26.10.23 After creating Tudor houses to represent those found on Pudding Lane in 1666 in our DT lessons, the children shared all their knowledge and understanding learnt this term in our history lessons, using some fantastic vocabulary, as The Great Fire of London was recreated on the playground.
The Great Fire of London!!!
24.10.23 This week in PE we have be learning how to listen carefully, work with others sensibly and offer praise and encouragement whilst practising our flight skills through jumping and leaping.
18.10.23 RE - Today we have been learning why Christians sing in churches and schools and why it is important.
07.10.23 This week we have begun our DT project of building Tudor houses using cereal boxes. We learnt about the features of Tudor houses and why these caused the Great Fire of London to spread so quickly.
06.10.23 Our 'rainbow challenges' this week included finding out more about the Great Fire of London and testing our knowledge through an interactive game, painting images of the Great Fire of London inspired by famous artists and building the bakery on Pudding Lane.
05.10.23 Through our 'rainbow challenges' Willow class have been learning about famous landmarks in London in the present and where the Great Fire of London started. They have been using Lego to represent their ideas of what these buildings look like.
06.09.23 Willow class have settled back into the school routines brilliantly! This week the children have been exploring the classroom, making new friendships and creating self-portraits using pipe cleaners.