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Hartshorne CofE Primary School

Welcome to Hartshorne Governor Run Nursery

Welcome to our Governor run Nursery.  We welcome children after their 3rd birthday, but are not able to accept 2 year olds.

Our morning sessions run from 8.45 am to 11.45 am.  We also offer full day sessions which run from 8.45 am to 3.15 pm, which coincides with our school day.  Most parents use their funding to cover costs, but if you choose to pay, sessions are charged at £15 per session (morning or afternoon). The cost for a full day is £30.  Children are provided with milk and a snack free of charge.  If they stay all day and choose to have a school dinner this is charged at £2.30 per day, or they can bring their own packed lunch with them.    

The children are based in our early years classroom.  We have 1 dedicated member of staff to look after our youngest children, and the sessions are supervised by our Early Years teacher.  This ensures an easy transition from Pre-School to school and we find these children settle very easily into our school life.

For any enquiries please phone the school on 01283 217423 or email