Hartshorne CofE Primary School
Welcome to Awesome Oak!
Mrs Orme and Mrs Parker are your teachers on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs Cox and Mrs Walker-Hurst are your teachers on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Dave, the bee man, came to help us jar the honey from the school beehives. We had lots of fun and can't wait to start the process again in January!
ARCHIVE 2023-2024
Here we can share our learning with you and you can see what else we get up to whilst we are at school.
26.4.2024 - Using our knowledge of insulators and conductors we made switches to complete our circuits.
Osprey watch - Camera 2Last year we watched the osprey and their young and the children asked again this year.
24.4.2024 - We investigated the conductors and insulators - we used the circuits to help us text different materials
22.4.2024 - Building electric circuits - we were so amazed when the bulb lit
17.4.2024 - Playscript exploration - we are learning to use our voice and listen to others
24.3.2024 - Computing, programming on Scratch
22.3.2024 - Hive building ready for the bees.
20.3.2024 - Shonette Bason came to visit with her infamous dough
19.3.2024 All Stars Cricket came today and did a workshop, great session outside in the sunshine.
14.3.2024 - This week our gym involved apparatus - hula hoops and tricks!!
7.3.2024 - the start of our gym units...bunny hops with a balance, tricky for some.
1.3.2024 - Lifesavers Lesson - Why do we work? Talking about the importance of earning money, making a difference, meeting people and challenging ourselves.
27.2.2024 Composing and performing in violins!! Amazing children!!
16.2.2024 - We became artists for the day looking at the still life from Paul Cezanne. We created out own still life, photographed it and then painted it looking at colour and shape.
15.2.2024 skipping workshop part 2.... such talented children!
8.2.2024 - Creative PE, we had to balance in pairs and then use our skills to transfer a ball between us. We laughed lots!
2.2.2024 - Forest school, making a plan of the layout of the trees, this was a tricky task.
31.1.2024 Skipping Workshops came and taught the children lots of tricks with their skipping ropes.... they were amazing!
29.1.2024 - Exploring pitch, look at all the amazing instruments you all made at home. We explored volume and pitch
25.1.2024 - RISE theatre group came to visit today and talked about Creation and how all the children could become planet heroes and their actions could help make a difference to the planet. We also made some fish from plastic to help us understand the impact in our oceans.
24.1.2024 - Today we explored how the volume of sound changed when we travelled further away from it.
23.1.2024 Exploring Volume - today we used an decibel meter to find out how loud (in decibels) the marbles made the drum vibrate.
19.1.2023 - More sound experiments. We discussed the need to protect our ears and jobs that might need to use ear defenders. We experimented with different materials to see which ones absorbed sound the best.
17.1.2024 Sound waves travel through the mediums of solids, liquids and gases. We tried a few different experiments to prove this. Ask your child why they had their heads on the table...they weren't sleeping!!
12.1.2024 - Fridays this half term will be dodgeball with Stedi, the children loved it!!
11.1.2024 - Oak acted out a poem in Collective worship linked to Creation, Aspiration and Hope
8.12.2023 What is the difference between dirt and mud?
- Things grow in mud
- You hoover dirt up
- we find mud outside
- mud is wetter
- dirt is rough and dry
- you can stand in mud
- mud is thicker
- mud makes noise
- mud sticks and stains your clothes
- if you add water to dirt, you make mud
6.12.2023 - today we jarred the honey, made the labels and we're nearly ready to sell!! Look out out for the text.
5.12.2023 - One of our violin pieces - more to follow on the VRC tab
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5.12.2023 - All ready for the concert
30.11.2023 Today we started to do dance routines with partners, focusing on shapes and the movements to make a sequence. We're beginning to enjoy this unit!
29.11.2023 - Today we extracted the honey - a lengthy process and we had to dress hygienically
22.11.2023 The construction of our Greek Temples has begun....watch for the finished results
14.11.2023 Key Stage 2 had a live Picture News webinar linked to the Fundamental British Values and Protected Characteristics which we are learning about.
14.11.2023 Some year 3/4 children went to Greenbank to participate in the basketball competition. They loved the games and worked hard as a team. Well done!
10.11.2023 - Royal British Legion webinar about the Poppy Appeal and Remembrance. Something to think about and reflect upon.
26.10.2023 - Storytelling through Art. The children had a poem as a starter and and used their sketchbooks to develop their ideas. This style of art is called Manga
25.10.2023 - Computing, we are building our publishing skills by creating a simple menu. We needed to use a template and change the font, size and colour
17.10.2023 - We finally got to touch our violins. We were so excited. Can't wait til we can bring them home to show you our skills!!!
12.10.2023 - PE look at our static balances, look close and you might see some red faces as we tried to hold them for longer!
10.10.2023 - RE Kingdom of God. Today we discussed the images used in the Pentecost story. We looked at artwork around the giving of the Spirit and the birth of Christianity. We talked with our friends about what we saw, liked and how it linked to the story.
5.10.2023 - PE our focus is developing the social skills. Talk to your child about where they are on the cogs
5.10.2023 - Today we built our scarecrows ready for the competition in the village. Watch out as we display them, check out the others in the village. Whose would get your vote?
27.9.2023 - Y3 Maths lessons with practical resources
13.9.2023 Cutting and folding with increased accuracy - DT can be so fiddly!
Team building - we played many different games together with the parachute
6.9.2023 - Scooter day was amazing, we learned to be resilient whan faced with challenges and we also became more confident when trying new things.